89 | I'm a vacuum

42 12 10

I have so many talents besides bedroom manners
bedroom skills
giving women body chills
orgasm upon orgasm of thrills

I can beg like a dog
yell for you to stop acting so childish
make you feel ashamed
I can make you feel so guilty
I can blame you for my misery
I can accuse you of leaving me for someone else
I can punish you for abandoning me

I can love you like no other lover can
or ever will
you can have all of me or none of me
I can make you feel forever free
I can tie you up and set you free
Oh the lengths I can go to for your submission
the flights, the drives, the trains
any means to be in your perfect vision

You're only fooling yourself
if you think you can resist

this love for you I have will persist
In two days you will know my power
my fleur
with all your sweet allure

I know you will want to rescue me
take care of me
because of your loving nature
I know you want closure
you'll never get it
I have nothing to apologize for
I know you are lonely

this is where I will buy you a gift
bring you flowers
say I love and miss you
no matter how you think
you have so called healed

I can reveal
how one night with me
takes you back to the beginning
for there is no end
between us
until I say so.

You can't break up with a soul mate [a love story in poetic verse]Where stories live. Discover now