179 | open up to the sky

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no matter how many times i look at the sky

I don't get tired of it

I feel my heart bloom

out of its seed

i know i am the same person

yet i feel different

i know when i think of Jared

i still feel an ache

a loss of someone

i could never have

a loss of myself

my time

my energy

on someone

who never wanted to have

all of me

walking on the beach that day

with total strangers

and listening to Thanos

tell us

once you stare long enough

you won't keep asking questions

i thought to myself

how did he become so wise

and i knew that

if i opened up myself

to the sky

it would never break my heart

and I too would become wise.

You can't break up with a soul mate [a love story in poetic verse]Where stories live. Discover now