147 | keeping words for my art

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keeping words stuck in my throat
only benefits my art
the rest of me is torn apart
keeping words tucked under us
only creates paragraphs
of words Jared will never hear

and does he even want to hear
the rumblings
the annotations
the footnotes
when something ends
it ends
it's a natural break from the shore

I won't see you again after tomorrow

there I said it

yeah right

It's true

I mean it this time

He just looked at me
grabbed my bare legs
pulled me toward him

this is paradise
let's not ruin it

I nodded my head

what was the point?
Let me enjoy his hands
on my belly now
on my hips now
let me enjoy
his eyes on mine

twenty-four hours left

it was ten a.m and we were still in bed

I will go get us some coffee
he stood up
pulled his hands away

Don't move
I want to continue loving your body

I stayed there thinking about what he said

I had my phone shut
I had my words locked up
I only wanted to feel
in Jared's arms
and look back
at this moment

don't cry
i told myself
don't fucking cry

just live for once.

You can't break up with a soul mate [a love story in poetic verse]Where stories live. Discover now