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Saying goodbye to the girls was harder than I thought

we all three actually cried

but I said

I will be back

they said they knew it

and all the love between us

was in our eyes

the plane was lifting off

and like a piano solo

I watched how the sky

hugged me

I felt it

when I closed my eyes

a bright jade color wrapped me up

and my body started to vibrate

not sure who noticed

I did not even care

I was listening to Thunder Road

and felt the windows

sweeping up my hair

I knew that being in the moment

was how I could survive

looking forward

walking one step at a time

I felt my mom's presence

it was above me

around me

hugging me

suddenly this loud piercing in my ear


and I thought the words I heard

I am with you

but as soon as I heard them

I doubted them

did that really happen

I opened my eyes

we were in the clouds now

I had lost track of time

I did not need my phone anymore

I felt liberated.

You can't break up with a soul mate [a love story in poetic verse]Where stories live. Discover now