173 | epiphanies

43 8 16

the sun had this energy
that entered my golden skin
the sand felt like musical instruments
under my feet
the sea was a lyrical poem
in my mind
and this epiphany hit me

why should i go back to Connecticut
what did i have to go back to?
I would keep my apartment
after all it was my inheritance

but i would live here

and there would be no traffic
no longing for things i could not have
no Jared near me
thoughts of him would be
locked in a duet never sung

i used to stumble
and fall right into his arms
because I did not want to be alone
yet I was so used to loneliness
embrace being alone, Dalia

and what kind of relationship was that
Jared and I were not a real relationship
it was a fantasy
and eventually fantasies don't last forever

I walked up to the girls
thinking of all these thoughts
I turned to them both
and said

I think I want to live here

where?  they both looked at each other
and then to me

i don't know where
but I want the sea
the ocean
the Greek sky
the sand
i don't want to miss it any longer

omg Dalia!
come live with us in Athens
Eleni said

No, I mean alone
I need space
for my paintings
I need to work

In Corfu?
No, it's dead in the winter
Maybe for the summer, yes

I need to think

Yes, you do.

Hey, look there's Thanos and Dimitri

Hi girls  they both said

Thanos looked at me

How did you sleep?

Like a baby.

Glad to hear

Dalia wants to move here! Sofia shouted

I was so embarrassed
I turned red

Really? Dimitri said
Thanos did not say anything

he looked at me

She is a painter you know, Sofia said

I saw your paintings online
they are beautiful   Thanos said

You did?

yes, this morning while drinking coffee
I don't sleep a lot
I like the faces you paint
they are so dreamy.

Thank you

So you want to move here? Dimitri asked

It's the energy here
I can't live without it
now that I know what it feels like to live with it

that sounds like love to me

I guess I love it here

love is powerful

Then it hit me like a bullet
Yes, I am in love with the energy here.
I want to live in it and paint it.

You can't break up with a soul mate [a love story in poetic verse]Where stories live. Discover now