Chapter 101 - TDS and BTS (3rd person POV)

Start from the beginning

It's called lust, over eager pup. She is really tempted to roll her eyes at him but does her best to keep up the charade. "I haven't gotten my injection yet. I'm saving up a few paychecks before I decide to proceed forward with the injection, and that's only if I don't have something important fall in my lap. Being rich I am sure you don't understand how life doesn't always go as planned." TDS pauses for a second realizing her excuse is rather parallel to the one the Daisy bitch used regarding her injection. She can't take it back now, but she definitely isn't happy to even pretend to have something in common with the gold digging foreigner.

He outright frowns at that. "I'm not exactly rich. Sure, my father has a cushiony job, and he does very well for himself. But, that doesn't make us millionaires or anything like that." He pauses for a second. "I thought you didn't care about things like that. A person's monetary worth I mean."

On the contrary, I care quite a big deal actually. Just not about *your* monetary value. She somewhat verbally mimics the thought she just had to herself aloud. "I don't care about your monetary value, Seunghyeon. That has no bearing regarding our relationship." She sighs. "Speaking of our relationship. I hope you understand why I haven't been able to keep in touch like I would have liked to over the past few weeks."

"No. I completely understand you have been busy. The quantity of time doesn't matter though. It's about the quality."

She attempts a warm smile at him before checking her phone again, curious about the time. "Speaking of quantity of time though. I did stress that I wouldn't have much time this morning. I have to meet up with my colleague in an hour to go over some plans regarding our job. The location is about thirty minutes from here depending on traffic. So, I should probably head out now."

The overeager pup frowns at her again. But rather than get upset he instead leans over and kisses her on the cheek, just beside her ear. His breath tickling the sensitive flesh there making her feel uncomfortable. She wills herself to not clench her jaw in reaction. It would be too obvious how much she detested that kiss if she did so. "I hope it isn't too long before I can see you again." He admits.

"I'll try to make some time." She lies through her teeth. "See you soon, Seunghyeon."

She gets in her car with the full intention of going back to her single bedroom apartment, diving back into bed, and getting some more sleep before she does actually need to go back to work three hours from now. Once she pulls into the building's parking garage and there is a very familiar car across from her designated parking space she knows that isn't what is going to happen.

"You really shouldn't be here, Oppa. If someone sees us together outside of work it could really mess with my plans."

"At this point, little sister, I am pretty sure you can't fully claim the plans as completely your own. I'm now just as much invested in this as you are. After all, I am not only risking my job for this at this point. If this doesn't end up working out in the end we could all end up behind bars." Her older brother reiterates a point that she has not only heard from him countless times before, but also the rest of her circle of stans at this point. "You are so lucky that my father has one of the most common surnames in Korea. If we had both been born Lee I'm sure they could start putting two and two together. At least if they looked at us close enough anyway."

"Yeah that fact is completely inaccurate since I am practically the spitting image of our mother. You mostly look like your father." TDS doesn't bother to mention that if she hadn't had the rhinoplasty to change her nose that they would actually share at least one physical characteristic. Her former 'boyfriend' had no problem paying for that since the result left her face more feminine. Granted he wasn't terribly happy after his wife had discovered the affair. TDS was pretty proud of herself when she leaked the evidence to his wife. A lot easier to romantically con a man out of money when he has a wife, who isn't his soulmate, at home.

Encoded in our DNA (A BTS Reverse Harem x OC story)Where stories live. Discover now