Chapter 39

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They won't tell me where we are going, and my nerves are just about shot. It's not that I hate surprises, but the wait just about kills me. When I was little I would literally stay up all night on Christmas Eve, not with the intent to see Santa, but because I simply couldn't wait to find out what I got for Christmas. Mostly, of course, hoping that I would get that one big dream item that I had asked for.

Hobi looks tempted to pull me into his lap, but I think he realizes that action won't keep me from squirming. I confirm my thought is pretty much correct when his eyes get a look that is both heated and somewhat annoyed.

When we stop I am immediately leaning over Jimin to be able to look out the window. He casts me a secretive sexy look before smiling widely when my eyes light with enthusiasm. "You brought me to a Zoo!?!?" My eyes drift over Hobi, Tae, and Joon. Jimin's on my other side, now behind me since I am mostly leaning forward, so I turn my head to look at him also. "What about the patrons? What about the staff?"

"The staff has all signed NDAs simply stating they aren't allowed to take pictures of us, tell others about us being here, nor approach us regarding anything other than their jobs. We are the only patrons today. Big Hit reserved the zoo today for us and us alone." Joon quickly explains.

I cast my eyes at the window past Hobi that looks over most of the parking lot, and realize if I had looked there before becoming worried and jumping to conclusions I probably would have figured this fact out for myself due to the nearly empty lot. "It's not a big zoo. But, they do have one of the best rainforest exhibits supposedly." Jimin explains to me as they assist me out of the vehicle.

"I bet. It probably was easy to get the appropriate flora, and bringing in the animal species from the rainforest probably wasn't overly difficult either." Probably not the most intellectual comment I have ever made, but I honestly was at a loss for how to respond. I love animals, and I hadn't been to a zoo in years. "Do you think they have a petting zoo?" Who am I asking this question for? Myself? Or am I just wanting to see how they interact with small animals (aside from the puppy interview and videos of their interaction with Yeontan)? Probably both...

"We can grab a map when we get inside." Tae offers.

Joon nods. "Yeah, that will probably be the easiest way to find out for certain."

Apparently we have been lingering in the vehicle too long because Jk is opening the door and looking inside only a moment later. I can make out Yoongi and Jin shadowing just a step or two behind him. "Let's go!" Jk enthuses, and I can't help but chuckle at how excited bunny looks.

Jimin was definitely right regarding the size of the zoo. There are three main habitat buildings: plains, oceans, and Amazon rainforest (which I'm not surprised is significantly bigger than the others). There is also what appears to be a corralled off area behind the rainforest building labelled as 'Jardim Zoológico' which apparently translates loosely to petting zoo. It's so silly that I am just as excited about the petting zoo as I am about the rainforest.

We decide to visit the Oceans area first, which unsurprisingly is for the most part an understated aquarium. In the first area we find small tanks of different fish. Jin shouts across the room. "I found Nemo." Which makes us all chuckle.

The blue tang tank happens to be right beside me so I respond with, "I found Dory!" Jin sends me a flying kiss for playing along, which I pantomime grabbing out of thin air and holding close to my chest.

In the next room we find several tall cylindrical tanks which happen to hold one of my favorite small aquatic animals. "Oooh, I love seahorses!" I exclaim as I run over to them. "Did you know that like a marsupial they have a pouch? The female lays her eggs in the male's pouch and the eggs hatch after they incubate from the male."

Encoded in our DNA (A BTS Reverse Harem x OC story)Where stories live. Discover now