Chapter 158

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My habit of checking my phone to discover the temperature every day carries over after our trip

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My habit of checking my phone to discover the temperature every day carries over after our trip. It may be annoying, however on the good side because of this habit I have formed, I manage to catch the text message that Candace sent me in the middle of the night.

Candace: We are good to go. I don't know how he managed it, but Asher was able to get a judge to meet him the Monday after the 4th of July. Of course I learned the two of them are actually pretty close, and once she heard the details regarding our case she immediately signed off on the paperwork. So, after that I went ahead and purchased tickets. I hope you are ready for us because we will be arriving at 11:30 Friday morning.

In the text following that one she includes all the specifics. What airline they will be flying in on, what gate they will be arriving at, and even how long their flight will be. It's crazy, but somehow she managed to find a nonstop flight that will take her only fourteen hours. I don't remember for certain, but I am pretty sure that is how long it took us to get back from Monte Carlo with one layover to refuel.

Shit! This means that I need to get stuff for her ready within only three days. Which I realized immediately isn't completely accurate because Thursday is the day the press conference is scheduled for. Crap, that means I have closer to two days.

Candace isn't bringing much with them other than their clothing, his toys, and some other personal items. So, we basically have to start from scratch for both of them. After all, we don't even have a guest room properly set up yet.

On the good side Hobi has already been researching what all he needs to childproof the house. A lot of things are fine as they are but there are also quite a few things that need fixed. He has already been putting covers on any electrical outlet we aren't using. Outside of that there are still quite a few things on his list that we still need to purchase and implement, mostly in the kitchen.

Too bad Jiwoo's specialty is clothing, and not interior design. Although she probably would love to come with me to shop for furniture and bedding anyway. I type a quick text out to Jiwoo, and get out of bed to make breakfast for my soulmates before most of them have to leave for the day.

Yoongi has meetings he has to attend regarding the production for the next album. Namjoon has to meet with the Big Hit CEOs and Sejin. Hobi has to meet with the choreographer. Jimin is still working on stuff regarding the special stage. Jk has a photo shoot. That leaves only Tae and Jin that would be free today.

I quickly work on an easy breakfast. This morning Yoongi is a little bit behind, but I know that is because he stayed up a bit too late last night working in the studio downstairs. I want to tell Jin about what I learned, but I really don't like repeating myself. I would much rather tell everyone at once when they get a chance to all sit down at the table.

Luckily, even Tae doesn't dawdle in bed too long this morning. He starts trudging down the stairs while all of us are just sitting down at the table. After everyone has food on their plates I relay Candace's message. "So, that gives me about two days to purchase everything I am going to need for the house before their arrival. Honestly, come to think of it, it pretty much only gives me one day. I will probably have to have everything scheduled for delivery tomorrow, and even if I am not there for the press conference I at least want to watch it from home. So, I would rather leave Thursday completely open."

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