Chapter 47

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A/N:  Blanket statement regarding this chapter.  I don't like to give an precursors like spoilers to a chapter but I guess I am going to have to at this point.  Tae and Daisy have a discussion about the tutoring sessions and she brings up Hangul and the written language.  Tae tells her he won't be focusing on that really.  I do this for a reason, and that's simply because I personally can't wrap my head around the language myself.  My brain somehow literally dissects each symbol where they only become the circles and lines that the symbol is composed of.  So, please please don't come back and tell me that the Hangul language is super easy.  All it does is make me feel inferior and stupid for not being able to understand it myself.  


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The shenanigans in the water mostly consisted of a game of Marco Polo which I had honestly been trying to avoid. I really hadn't been looking forward to unintentional gropage. The thought of the possibility that there might be unintentional gropage made me nervous, whether it be them or me in regards to the action (although the secondary was probably less likely). Somehow the rules were adjusted so that I was it throughout the entire game. Once I found one of them the game was put on pause, and I got some snuggle time with the one I had caught for about five minutes. I didn't enjoy being 'it' every round, but I wasn't about to turn down the opportunity for individual cuddle time with each of my soulmates.

The game proceeded until I had an opportunity to catch each one of them. Tae had been the last one I caught, and he wasn't quite ready to let me go yet when it was announced that the game was over. So, while everyone else got out of the pool I lingered a bit longer in his arms. "I think I need to take you up on your previous offer." I announced when we were officially alone.

"Oh?" His eyebrows lift in surprise. "Which offer was that?"

"Will you teach me how to speak Korean? I guess maybe even teach me to write it too. The written alphabet is called hangul, right?" I hopefully asked him. I had looked it up previously, but I wasn't sure if I was remembering correctly or not.

"It is. Hangul is probably tricky though, since it is so vastly different from the English alphabet. We should probably first start with speaking basic, but necessary, phrases." He suggests.

I nod, readily agreeing with his point. We linger in the water for a few more minutes before I announce I should get out and get cleaned up. "I have to be pretty and presentable for the Vlive."

"Angel, you aren't just pretty. You are breathtaking. With or without makeup."

I grin up at him knowing my cheeks are flushed from his compliment. "You're such a sweet talker."

"I'm sweet at other things too." He gives me a look that I am more used to attributing to him while he is onstage before he kisses me fiercely and passionately.

When we finally come up for air. I take a deep cleansing breath before stating. "I wouldn't call that kiss sweet." He frowns for a second before I clarify. "That kiss was seductive and hot, and the only quality that made it sweet was because it came from you." Then his face evolves into that smoldering expression again which has me pulling away from him for real this time before I am no longer able to pull myself away at all.

Encoded in our DNA (A BTS Reverse Harem x OC story)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu