Chapter 1

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Running down the sidewalk while getting pelted by frigid rain is definitely not my idea of a good time. Yet, here I am avoiding puddles, growing annoyed that my umbrella broke months ago, and wishing that I had spare funds to get an Uber. If only I had woken up with my alarm this morning instead of unintentionally shutting it off.

I guess the only thing I can really blame that on is myself. If I hadn't taken that extra shift last night at the diner then I would have been able to get the rest I needed last night. Originally I wasn't scheduled to work either of my jobs yesterday, or for that matter today. My co-worker, Rebecca, had a medical emergency regarding her three year old son, and if she hadn't managed to arrange a replacement she would have lost her job. I couldn't let that happen. So, I took a late shift and didn't wake up appropriately due to the excess exhaustion.

I stop for a second underneath a restaurant awning to catch my breath. I have to be on time for this appointment. I can't miss it, but I am terrified that will be exactly what happens. I look down the sidewalk toward my destination and can barely make out the sign above the door a couple blocks away. I pull out my phone to check the time and notice that I still have twenty minutes. Phew!

I continue down the sidewalk at a more leisurely pace. It's still raining but I don't need to be in as much of a rush as I originally worried about. Plus, I'm already drenched so it's not like my clothes can become any more saturated than they already are.

I have had this appointment booked for six months now, but I have been awaiting it for five years. I can only hope that my soulmate has been able to wait for me this long. I hope and pray that I won't be one of those few people that don't have a soulmate. Because of the plague-like illness that attacked many females ten years ago, declining the population, the occurrence is rare that a woman won't have a soulmate, but it is still possible. I mentally shake away the negativity that has clouded my brain. Only one more block now.

Three minutes later and I am walking through the doors of the clinic. The nurse behind the reception counter gasps at me. "Oh goodness you got caught in the rain!"

I find myself mildly annoyed at her reaction. It's full of sympathy, but I almost want to respond with. 'Obviously." Instead I take a moment to regain my composure and say, "Yeah, I slept through my alarm and didn't have time to catch the bus like I originally had planned." I try to smile in a 'what can you do' kind of expression, but I am sure that the grimace I was fighting still managed to grow on my face.

"Let me get you a towel." She rushes off before I can tell her that it's no trouble. Although, truthfully, I am kind of dripping all over the laminate floor. Only a few moments later she is handing me a few towels. They are the size and thickness you would find at a budget hotel so I am definitely thankful that she handed me more than one. While I am wringing out my hair in a quick attempt to soak up as much moisture as possible she greets me. "You must be Daisy Keegan."

I nod in response. "I sent the appropriate paperwork via fax a few weeks ago."

She smiles. "Yes, thank you for that. It makes our job much easier. So, that leaves only one thing left to settle. The financials."

The reason I have had to wait so long was due to a lack of funds. I nod in response and pull my bank card out of my wallet to settle the balance. I only sat for five minutes in the waiting room before I was called in. A nurse took my vitals and assured me that the doctor would be right with me. I found myself getting consumed by memories while I waited.

Russell and Marjorie Keegan. Tears still well in my eyes when I even think of their names. My parents were two of the greatest people I have ever known. They were rarely selfish, always thinking about others before themselves. (I tried my best to emulate that in my own day to day life.)

Encoded in our DNA (A BTS Reverse Harem x OC story)Where stories live. Discover now