Bonus Chapter #4 - Jiwoo's Soulmates Part 3

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A/N: Just a head's up.  I don't have the last date fully written yet, and because how I am feeling this week I don't know if I will get it finished by Friday.  If I get it finished between now and Sunday I will post it after I am happy with it.  If not it will probably be posted next Friday.  I apologize about that, but I am just not feeling 100% this week. 

Once again there will be links to her outfit in the comments of the image.  I also used a lot of resources for this date so.  There will be a link for resources too at the end.

Alternative Title :  Jeong Gyu's date

On Wednesday I realized that I haven't heard too much involving my date with Jeong Gyu on Saturday. I'm not worried about what we will be doing, but I would like to know what I should wear at least. That worry alone has me picking up my phone and texting him.

Me: So what do you have planned for our first date this weekend? Should I plan to wear anything specific?

I have to wait a little bit for him to reply, which doesn't surprise me in the least. He does work on a farm after all, which means he was probably busy when I first sent it. About fifteen minutes later I received a response.

Jeong Gyu: I wanted to show you something I'm passionate about here on the farm. You should probably wear something not only comfortable, but that you wouldn't be worried about getting messy. I also definitely recommend boots of some kind. Preferably Wellingtons.

Me: How long will it take to get there?

Jeong Gyu: Err. Roughly about three hours.

Me: Yikes. Wait, what time are you picking me up?

Jeong Gyu: I was hoping we would get here around noon, so about 9.

Me: ...Doesn't that mean you have to be on the road by 6 at the latest?

Jeong Gyu: Yes, but it's not a big deal. I wake up at 4:30 every day.

Me: ...Once again I say, Yikes! The earliest I am up is 6, and that's usually on the days I have an early shipment arriving at the boutique.

After our text conversation is over I double check what he said regarding my outfit. I mentally groan and commit to the fact that I am absolutely not about to wear Wellingtons on our date. I have to draw the line somewhere fashion wise, and that's it. Luckily, I do have an old pair of soft faux suede thigh high boots; that I don't have a problem getting dirty. I also have a pair of denim overalls that I painted both sunflowers and (chuckle) daisies on sometime during high school. They are soft and worn, but surprisingly don't have holes in the knees yet. I pair that with a peplum yellow gingham top which I highly doubt will get messy at all. It's probably only my lower half I will have to worry about, and the overalls will at least cover up part of the top.

I look up the weather for this Saturday and note that it's going to be sunny, so I pull out a straw boater hat to partially shield the sun from my eyes. I also keep a pair of sunglasses on me at all times in whatever bag I happen to be carrying, so if need be I can wear those as well. Actually, I will need them on the car ride alone. Three hours in a car... I hope that the ride doesn't drag in silence. Not that I think it will. I anticipate the conversation to probably be just as easy going as the ones I had with Jung Hyun last Saturday.

I glance at my reflection in the mirror as I consider what to do with my hair. My gut instinct is to once again wear it in pigtail braids, but I really don't want to replicate the same hairstyle I wore for my date with Jung Hyun. Something about that idea just sits wrong with me. Instead I search for ideas for hat hairstyles, and I smile when I come across a low dual bun hairstyle that will work perfectly with the hat. I've always liked the dual bun hairstyles I've seen, but I have honestly never been adventurous to wear my hair in one myself. Throughout the week, at least once a night, I practice replicating the hairstyle so I can train my hands to at least somewhat remember the methods to perfect the style. Not that I think every single strand will behave, even after applying hairspray.

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