Chapter 81

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I greet the staff as they each arrive. I even take a moment and pull Dasom aside to let her know about how Yoongi didn't show up for breakfast. "I guess he has been holed up in there since last night. I was curious if you might take something down to him for lunchtime. I don't want to bother him this early if he still happens to be asleep. Oh, and maybe mention to him I was considering cooking out on the grill tonight for supper. I'm kind of hoping that will entice my Bear to come out of his cave."

She chuckles at that comment. "I'll even send Choon-hee out to get the ingredients needed for lamb skewers. I know my youngest daughter won't mind running the errand. She was telling me that her sister has been monopolizing the chores and leaving her with little to do. I also happen to know that lamb skewers, in particular, are a weakness for Min-nim."

It's probably accurate although I don't actually know it for fact. I chuckle at the fact that I do know though before uttering it out loud. "Food, especially meat, is a weakness for him."

"Okay, that's definitely fair to say." Dasom's chuckle softly echoes my own.

I pause for a second as I go over what else she told me in my head. I'm the woman of the house. Does that mean I need to handle any complications with the house staff? "Would you like me to talk with Mae Byeol regarding her work ethic?"

Dasom shakes her head. "No, no. Choon-hee wasn't complaining about it. She still finds plenty to work on herself. Besides, as their mother, I could do that if I deemed it really necessary."

I nod. "Okay then." I look at the clock. It's approaching 9:30 am, and I had already mentally calculated the best time to text my friends would be 10:30 am because that would make it 8:30 pm in Chicago, and even if Rebecca ended up with a longer shift she never worked past seven. Which meant it would probably be the best time to get a hold of both of them. I had already told Dasom I wouldn't be helping this morning, but I didn't tell her how little I would be helping. "I'm probably going to miss preparing lunch with you today. I planned on having a conversation with my friends in the U.S."

After I stated that she shoos me away. "Go on then. I've told you before I appreciate your help, but you don't have to help me every day that I am here." She smiles warmly at me.

I take that as my cue to go upstairs. But, I choose to plant myself in the upstairs game room instead of my bedroom this time. I'm not sure why, but I chalk it up to simply wanting a different atmosphere. Looking at the same walls all the time can get a bit stale after a while. After I plant myself on the couch I pull open the group chat window and shoot off the first text, mentally crossing my fingers that both of them respond.

Me: Hey, you two! So sorry that I haven't been in contact lately. Every time I would consider texting you both, I noticed it would be late into the night over there. So obviously, the time just wouldn't work out, and I really didn't want to bother either of you.

Candace: No sweat. I think we can both understand how having seven exceptionally handsome soulmates would be distracting.

Rebecca: Definitely. I mean I am happy to talk to you whenever. But, your focus should be on your soulmates.

I literally find myself bouncing on the cushion when her text comes through.

Me: Rebecca!!! I've missed you!! I feel like we haven't really talked since I left the U.S.

Rebecca: Yeah. Sorry. I've not been doing too well honestly. I keep getting this cold that I can't quite seem to shake. It will be gone for like a week, and then I will be laid up with it again.

She's been sick? I guess that would explain her absence from the conversations.

Me: :( That stinks. I'm sorry about that. How is Joshua?

Encoded in our DNA (A BTS Reverse Harem x OC story)Where stories live. Discover now