Bonus Chapter #5 - Jiwoo's Soulmates Part 4

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A/N:  I apologize if this chapter isn't as polished as the previous two.  My brain was a bit foggy as I was editing and proofreading it.  It is a bit longer, but that is simply because of the core amount they do on the date.  Also, the images reflected were things I was considering before I actually wrote the chapter.  I was simply too lazy to change them afterward.  

Alternative Title:  Jihyun's Date

3833 words

Before my third and final first date I of course expected to have to ask the outfit question. Surprisingly, it's Jihyun that brings up that topic of discussion. He even makes some very specific recommendations.

Jihyun: I just wanted to let you know to be sure to wear comfortable shoes for our date on Saturday.

Me: Oh? What will we be doing?

Jihyun: Nope. Not answering that. You will have to wait and see.

Me: So... If I need to wear comfortable shoes then does that mean the rest of the outfit should probably be more on the comfortable side?

Jihyun: Yes. In fact, now that I think about it, if you have a comfortable pair of cargo pants that would probably be best. Also, just a tip. We will be in the sun all day long.

I take that particular comment to heart. Unfortunately, I don't own a pair of cargo pants that actually fit right now so the following day after his message I took a moment to check out the items on the sales racks in my boutique as well as the items coming in our new shipment.

I find myself equal parts lucky and unlucky at the same time. There is a pair of cargo pants on the newest shipment, and surprisingly the fabric isn't the typical shades of cream, beige, or even the khaki green color. No, they are lavender, and just looking at them I already have ideas of what to pair them with between clothing out on the sales floor as well as items that are still in my closet at home. The minus about these pants though is the elastic at the ankles. If they were just a hair longer I would just hem them up a few centimeters or so, but they legitimately fall at just the right spot on my ankles so I guess I have to deal with the elastic. I've learned in the past not to simply just take the elastic out of cuffs. It ruins the way the garment gathers.

On the sales floor I find a white graphic tee with a bouquet of lilacs on it. The main hue of purple isn't exactly the same, but there are undertones here and there that are close enough to match. In case it gets chilly I plan on layering the tee over a lavender striped tee I have at home. I also have a pair of gray Nikes that should work out fine with the outfit. I already plan on the rest of the outfit matching; I can cut myself some slack regarding the fact that my sneakers don't match.

I already know which sunglasses I will be wearing; I just need to make sure that I bring along a case for them. When Jihyun suggested cargo pants, I assumed that was so I would have pockets to carry around what I would need. I chuckle as I remember the Sanrio Kuromi one I have at home that happens to also be lavender.

Unfortunately, I don't actually have a hat that will go with this. However, my date with Jung Hyun two weeks prior strikes up another idea for me. One of the kits I almost grabbed when we were at the craft shop was a tie dye kit, and I use the memory of that as inspiration for what I am going to do regarding a hat. I might not have a hat that will work with the outfit the way I want it to, but I do have a worn out, old white baseball cap that I can tie dye to match. I just need to buy appropriate acrylic paints to work with it, and make sure I research what else I might need for the project.

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