Chapter 38

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Waking up the next day I realize a few things immediately. First, being that Tae must have got up at some point because he is no longer wrapped around my front. Secondly, the same can't be said for Jimin. I still feel his warmth at my back but that's not the only proof I have that he's still with me. The hand he has wrapped around me has managed to sneak under my shirt tail and through the night inched upward. He isn't quite cupping the lower part of my breast but it's only a scant inch or two before he would be doing so. Then there is the length of him pressing against my backside.

For a few moments I keep still and debate with myself. What should I do here? Should I wake him? I think my face is so flush that the blood has even rushed to my earlobes at this point. I openly admit to myself though that I am only moderately embarrassed where his hand is and the closeness of our bodies. Truthfully, I'm more embarrassed about the fact that a huge part of me wants to settle my backside more firmly against him. That I want to drag myself against him so I can feel his excitement and how much I turn him on.

In the past I had never dreamed my soulmates would be so beautiful, and while they are all gorgeous there is something transcending about Jimin's looks. He is like a fairy prince come to life with his ethereal beauty.

Instead of questioning my actions my body ends up taking over with a mind of its own. The minute I rub against his excitement that hand that is around me inches up more until the pads of his fingertips are grazing the underneath of my breast. Then I feel his plush lips against my neck, and I am even more so a goner because with his ministrations adding to my already growing desire I am simply melting.

  Then I feel his plush lips against my neck, and I am even more so a goner because with his ministrations adding to my already growing desire I am simply melting

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"Mmm. This is the best dream yet. I can even smell your amazing scent that seems to always linger around you." He comments, the remnants of slumber still coating his words.

Oh, how do I tell him he's not dreaming without discouraging his touch? Without eliminating his soft lips against my skin? Before I can form a concrete plan I find myself automatically responding. "Scent? Like a combination of something tropical and vanilla?"

"Mmm. Yes, that exactly." Then he begins to pull out of the full body snuggle. His hips pulling away and putting more space between us. His hand trailing back down my stomach. "I've never been able to come up with the exact scent before." I turn to him as I see his eyes widening rapidly in realization. "This isn't a dream. Is it?"

I bite my lip and shake my head. "No."

"Shit! I'm sorry, Daisy. I didn't mean to take advantage while we were both asleep."

The guilty look on his face needs to be wiped away. I curve back toward him a bit and respond. "You didn't. At least not exactly."

His confusion is adorable. "Huh?"

I go through the mortifying explanation. "You were asleep, but you didn't actually touch my breast until I arched my body into yours. And you only kissed my neck when you started to wake up yourself."

Encoded in our DNA (A BTS Reverse Harem x OC story)Where stories live. Discover now