Chapter 99

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Unfortunately, Jin didn't get back from his errand until around the time I had to start getting things ready for supper

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Unfortunately, Jin didn't get back from his errand until around the time I had to start getting things ready for supper. Dasom had the menu planned and most of the prep work done, but I still had to actually cook the meal. He walked in the door when I first looked at the menu she had worked out for us.

He had stayed by my side and helped me cook, but that didn't really fill in the gap left behind due to the lack of time I had spent with him over the course of the day. On the good side, he tried to make up for it further by sleeping beside me last night. Which I am also sure was probably his way of physically apologizing for the initial misunderstanding the night of our date.

I smiled happily this morning as I recognized his warmth around me, and I couldn't help but scoot closer to his body to cuddle with him even more intimately. "Princess..." His voice rough from sleep warned me against moving too much.

"Don't worry

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"Don't worry. I was just trying to get some tight, warm snuggles before I had to go downstairs to make breakfast."

He paused for only a moment before I could sense his mouth tilt upward in what I imagined was a tired looking smile. "Then I will happily accommodate your desire." His arms grew taut around me, lovingly confining me in his arms. Then I feel a soft kiss on the crown of my head and somehow I am able to sense the smile growing even more on his bee stung lips after the action. "And I am also getting up to help you with breakfast. I insist upon it in fact."

With his help from the beginning we managed to make quick work of it. The serving platters and bowls were already on the table when the first few members meandered down the stairs. I am halfway through my plate when I fully realize that while everyone else is here eating Jimin hasn't made it out of bed yet. For a brief moment I find myself mildly annoyed by the time I am missing out on with him, but that annoyance drifts away when I begin to mentally form a genius idea on how to wake him up.

After telling the guys goodbye I make sure to take a moment to let Tannie out and double check that he has enough food and water in his dishes. After that is done I head back upstairs. I can already feel the goofy grin growing on my face as I play out my plan in my head. Tannie eagerly follows me as if he is up to create a little mischief too.

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