Chapter 10

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It soon becomes apparently obvious that staying backstage during the concert tonight is going to be exceptionally boring. Just a few minutes before the meet and greet was about to start I was sequestered to the green room to wait, and honestly I have been here ever since. I'm thankful there is a monitor hanging on the wall so I can watch the performance, but it's not really the same as experiencing it first hand. I'm hoping that the interview tomorrow will change things for the better, but I would be lying to myself if I didn't admit that I was a tad worried about it. I quickly create a new text group, adding Rebecca and Candace to it and then start messaging away.

Me: Hey you two!

Candace: Hey yourself! I'm guessing you're trapped backstage and bored out of your gourd, right?

Rebecca: Bored? Why? I would think being backstage would be awesome! I haven't been to a concert in ages!

Me: It would be awesome, if I were allowed somewhere other than the green room.

Candace: Has the dark side of fame already reared its ugly head?

Me: Maybe a little. I'm hoping that will change tomorrow though.

Rebecca: Why's that? What's happening tomorrow?

Candace: Brighton Davis is doing a radio interview with her and BTS. But, don't repeat that. It's a need to know type situation.

Rebecca: Well, I will be sure to tune in.

Me: It feels really wrong to complain about my boredom right now.

Candace: Everyone needs to vent once in awhile. It's okay.

Me: Oh my trio rappers are performing a song now. That means the vocalists will be coming backstage to get ready for their solos, and after that they will perform DNA as their final performance.

Candace: Sincerely, Daze. There is nothing wrong with venting. Text us whenever you feel the need.

	The next moment I am being bombarded by my sweaty vocalists

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The next moment I am being bombarded by my sweaty vocalists. They each begin to mop at their faces with towels. Tae's the only one ducking behind a curtain to quickly change. He goes up next with 'Singularity.' He pops back out a few moments later and sits down in the makeup chair. He catches me watching him from the reflection in the mirror and immediately his face transforms into that wide smile that I am sure I will never quite grow accustomed to.

Jin disappears behind the curtain next since he will be performing his solo after Tae gets off the stage. The couch gets jostled when Jimin flings himself in it beside me. "The energy tonight feels different." He comments, and I'm not sure he even meant to say it aloud.

"Good different or bad different?"

He looks me in the eyes. "I don't know. Just different." He sighs and brushes his hair back, an action I notice he does a lot. "I feel bad that you are stuck back here. I want you out there where you can see the performance properly."

Encoded in our DNA (A BTS Reverse Harem x OC story)Where stories live. Discover now