Chapter 11

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I am a big ball of nerves as I stroll into the radio station...alone. We all decided that this would be the best way I wouldn't be noticed; I wouldn't stand out as just a young lady dressed in an oversized hoodie and jeans. When we left, well that was going to be a completely different story. The managers all toyed with the idea of leaving me behind for an hour and hoping the potential fans outside would disperse, and the attention the radio station would die down. My guys weren't up for that though. I was given a mask like the ones they wear while outside, a pair of sunglasses that nearly obscured the rest of my face, and because my hair is so distinctive in its ginger glory I planned on tucking it into my hood.

I'm taken aback when I am led into the studio where the interview is to be held. There is a huge window where an audience on the sidewalk can see in. I guess the fans don't know that this is where the interview will take place yet since there is no one looking in, or perhaps they are all waiting near the entrance hoping to catch a peek of them as they get here. Then I realize how big of a problem the window really is. We already decided to keep my face from the public eye for now. How were we supposed to do that with this window?

Luckily in the next moment Brighton is coming in and greeting me as if he has known me for years. I find it especially surprising when he pulls me into a hug. "Um, Brighton... How are we going to keep me hidden?" I point at the window.

"Oh we have that covered." He points at a curtained area that I had overlooked at first that stands in the corner against the wall by the door. "At the end of the show we pull down the shades so the audience outside won't see anything once you get up to leave."

I honestly wish this part had been discussed beforehand. I feel like we weren't properly prepared for this situation. He escorts me to the space behind the curtain. Then, he has me test the microphone to make sure the sound quality is on point. A moment later and my men are coming through the door. I have a small gap that I can see through so I can lock eyes with them as they enter. I'm not sure I manage to look brave but I still attempt to smile at them encouragingly.

Of course the guys are just as uneasy as I am about the setup. They talk it over with security to make sure that I will be properly protected when it's time to leave.

A half an hour later they are all seated and ready to begin the interview. I have a copy of the questions so I know how this will all play out, but I kept myself from practicing what I would say. I wanted it to appear more authentic.

"Let's all welcome BTS to the station." Cue applause sound effect. "So, tell me how's your tour going thus far. You were last in Ontario is that correct?"

"Our tour is going great. It has, as always, been a crazy rollercoaster ride. We only wish we could have spent just a little bit more time with our Canadian Army, but we have to keep to our schedule and of course we couldn't neglect our Chicago Army." Another cheering sound effect, although this one must have been recorded by some of the fans outside since they are shouting how they love BTS.

"Your next destination is New Jersey, and that will be the last of the North American leg of the tour correct?"

"Yes, we are always sad to say goodbye to the U.S. Army, but, like I said, we have to make sure we stick to our schedule. Even when we get back to Korea, after Brazil, we won't be able to slow down." Namjoon answers again. I'm not surprised he is responding the most but I hope the others can get a word in edgewise.

"What's it like touring in the United States vs other countries?"

Hoseok actually answers this one which makes me smile. "No matter where we go, Army is loving and happy to see us. We love you, Army!"

Encoded in our DNA (A BTS Reverse Harem x OC story)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora