Chapter 19

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When Tae sends me that private message I almost feel guilty. I'm not up for explaining it right now, and I am definitely not removing myself from the comfort of this bed. The heating pad I purchased was pretty basic, but it is doing wonders for the cramps that already started kicking in. They started making their presence known while we were still in traffic. So I was hella uncomfortable and stiff from the tension caused by how worried I was that I would have a personal situation to deal with while in the vehicle. Luckily I didn't start until I actually made it to the bathroom when I got back.

A knock on my door surprises the crap out of me. "Go away." I mutter unenthusiastically. There's no way that whoever is on the other side could hear me through the dense wood of the door. Plus, I barely breathed the words let alone shouted them. I roll my eyes at the alert that comes from my phone. Despite my annoyance I pick it up to view the received message and respond accordingly.

Hobi: I'm not going away, Daisy. Let me in.

Me: No

Hobi: I have ice cream.

Shit! Ice cream?! That's what I forgot to purchase! Then I reconsider my self reprimand. That's actually probably a good thing since it would have melted before making it back.

Well, I can't let that ice cream melt and go to waste. I get up and open the door. Hurrying back to my bed of plush comfort and warmth as he comes in.

"Don't worry it's not chocolate. I got you strawberry instead." He hands me the pint and a spoon.

I frown at the fact it's only a pint. I guess it's okay. I doubt the freezer part of the minifridge could hold much more than that. He sits beside me. "Did you find everything you need?"

"Everything I need?" I arch an eyebrow at him. I take slow bites of the ice cream. It's delicious, but somehow doesn't manage to quite quench my cravings. That doesn't make me any less grateful for the gesture however.

He reaches over and starts massaging my neck, and I immediately become putty in his hands. "I know what's going on, Daisy. There's nothing to be embarrassed about." I drop the spoon into the carton.

Oh. "Telling me not to be embarrassed, and being embarrassed are two different things." I sigh. I pick back up the spoon and stare at it, beginning to wonder if ice cream is what I want right now after all. Maybe that's why it's not quenching the cravings.

"I have an older sister. It's not something I haven't been around before. Taehyungie and Namjoon also have sisters, although they are younger, and of course, we all have mothers. It's not something we are completely unfamiliar with." He turns to me. "I realize you were dealing with your own stuff today, but we all were worried because instead of communicating with us you shut us out."

I wrinkle my nose in distaste at my own lack of senses. "I'm sorry. I was acting on impulse and mood swings instead of thinking rationally."

He nods at me. "It's totally understandable. Now, I think you should at least text everyone to apologize for shutting them out."

I sigh. "I need chocolate therapy first." I hand him back the pint of ice cream and indicate the freezer. "Can you get out one of the blue boxes from the fridge that says 'Terry's' on it?" The confusion is adorable on his face, and if it wouldn't cause me pain I would totally be belly laughing right about now.

"You keep your chocolate in the fridge?" He arches an eyebrow.

"Yes, I hate melted chocolate. Plus, at least for me, it adds to the flavor." That honestly might be a fact that I somehow convinced myself of over time.

Encoded in our DNA (A BTS Reverse Harem x OC story)Where stories live. Discover now