Chapter 31

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I didn't expect them home this soon. I probably should have. The minute they heard about my near fainting spell probably upset them to the point they couldn't completely focus on work. Now, I have other things to explain to them, and I haven't remotely prepared myself in how to handle it.

I openly glare at Korain one last time. "Let's get comfortable for this." I walk over to the area with the two oversized couches and have a seat. I don't begin explaining until everyone is seated. Korain stands in a corner observing but I honestly don't care where he plants his feet at the moment. "So, almost fainting isn't the only thing that happened to me today." It's not hard to miss how Jk shifts his eyes back and forth between me and Korain. "When I was leaving a fitting room while I had been shopping I ran into an Army member." I pause for a second. "Literally ran into her. I was coming out of the fitting room door while she was walking toward a vacant stall. Since I was wearing what I am now, you can imagine what kind of conclusions she made."

"Did something bad happen?" Tae hesitantly asked.

"Other than running into her? No. She was perfectly respectable and kind. She tried to ask me for a selfie, but I declined. I explained to her how we were trying to remain under the radar and asked her not to say anything." I pull her business card from my back pocket. "She mentioned something about willingly signing an NDA to protect us. So, I explained to her how I wouldn't be able to handle that, but that the managers would. I asked her for her email and she gave me this." I pass the card over to Namjoon.

"Was there anything else that happened that you aren't telling us, Daisy?" Namjoon is all business, and I respect him for acting that way at this moment. Even if there is a part of me would rather have my soulmate over the leader of BTS right now.

I sigh. "The only other thing that concerns me was her occupation."

He glances at the card and nods. "Korain, is there anything you would like to add?"

"She acted irresponsibly! She should have called out for me the minute it happened!" Yeah, that's what he is torn up about, and I completely disagree with him.

Jimin's eyebrows raise. "She acted irresponsibly?!"

"Doesn't sound like it to me." Yoongi added. His stoic expression firmly in place. His seated posture rigid.

"No, it sounds like she respected her." Tae added.

"It sounds like she acted calmly and rationally to me." Hobi folds his arms over his chest as he backs me up.

Jk grits his teeth. Bunny and I are going to have to have a talk about whatever *this* is. "It sounds like she reacted very responsibly."

Jin calmly states

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Jin calmly states. "I think Daisy did what she could at that moment."

Namjoon takes a different approach. "Korain, what do you think would have happened had she ran away and got you?"

Encoded in our DNA (A BTS Reverse Harem x OC story)Where stories live. Discover now