三十 - Preparations

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Ch.30 - Preparations

As the final week came before the end of year exams, the students were training tirelessly. The week had put a rather damp mood on display, rain being the most prominent weather. Considering it was about to be summer, the rain was proving it wrong. Though the forecast had shown that from the end of the week onwards, it was to be all sunny days with heatwaves.

Training at ungodly hours had become the norm for the duo, though they were more than ready for the exams to pass so they wouldn't have to wake themselves up at such times. Seeing as the duo spent more time together than not, one thing they didn't do together was study. Katsuki had 'offered' to tutor Kirishima, Katsuki getting 3rd in the midterms.

Katsumi preferred to study alone, and to music; something you can't do while in the presence of another.  In the midterms she tied 3rd, which, considering Iida and Momo were 2nd and 1st, she wasn't that mad about. Of course she would have preferred to come 1st, having another win under he belt, but what else can you do? Well, apparently, Hikari was more than happy to literally beat the knowledge into Katsumi's head.

"I don't care about whatever the hell enjambment is!" Katsumi sighed, poetry was so unnecessarily complicated.

"I don't care, tell me what it is!" Hikari replied, she was one of those people who barely had to study to get good grades, that was good for her because she'd much prefer to annoy her sister.

"It's when a line of poetry doesn't have any punctuation at the end, and carries on down to the next line." Katsumi murmured, shoving her head in her hands.

"Perfect, now we move onto chemistry."

"Oh god please no."

Katsumi was smart yes, but that didn't mean she enjoyed studying. Chemistry was one of her only weak points, like who cares about ionic bonding or covalent bonding? Not Katsumi. But unfortunately, she had to know it, hence why she was sat with her sister. 

Katsumi only studied the parts she found hard, or couldn't remember. Then, the night before the test, she would read over everything, whether she knew it or not.


Honestly, training at 4am was quite nice. If you ignore the tiredness pulling at your eyes that is. Because the two would be so tired, little was said, but progress was made. Before the intense training, the duo already had quite a muscular build, but that was only increasing. 

Building up stamina was the duo's main concern, it would be useful for everything. The feeling of not knowing what was coming, the fear of not knowing. It wasn't really a fear for the two, more of an irritation. They wanted to know what they'd be doing in the practical, they could be doing a lot of things, there's a broad spectrum. But they had no idea what was to come, which was uncommon for their sport. An athlete such as Katsuki and Katsumi always knew what they'd be doing, whether it be a race, a jump or a throw. They always know.

But in this case, they could be doing something completely unrelated to athletics, it wouldn't be the first time UA had pulled something like that. This was reason it was such a big topic in the classroom, students theorising everything, I mean everything. 

"What if we have to fight robots to prove our strength?" Kaminari said, completely serious. Those at the lunch table he was sat at had to stop eating at look at him for a moment, to judge if he was completely serious. Once they did realise, Kirshima, Mina and Sero burst out laughing. Katsuki and Katsumi just shaking their heads, Katsumi with a smile, Katsuki  in complete and utter disappointment.

"What? It's an option!" Kaminari reasoned.

"I hate to break it to you, but I think I might have something to do with athletics." Katsumi said, continuing to eat her noodles.

"But what if-" Kaminari was cut off.

"No. Sparky, we're here to fucking compete, not to be superheroes who blow up big chunks of metal." Katsuki dismissed, going back to eating his curry.

Ah, don't you just love creativity?


Well their theories were to be either confirmed or dismissed rather soon, as today was the day of the practical. The last three days had been straight exam after exam, and when Katsumi was given her math exam and Aizawa walked out to go and get something, she muttered 'fuck' under her breath as she looked at the first question. In her peripheral vision she saw literally everyone slump in their chairs, them hearing her.

Katsumi was resident genius at math, her being better than Momo. You may ask how she didn't get 1st in the mid terms, well, chemistry really let her down there. 

Everyone knew they were screwed when they head her say that, trigonometry was taught to them years ago. But this question, it had a lot more than just trigonometry.

Well nevertheless, Katsumi got through that paper with a breeze, there was some just looking at the question and contemplating if the 7 marks were worth her time. It was worth her time.

Back onto the topic at hand, the class were stood outside one of UA's biggest training facilities. Dressed in their athletics uniforms, the students were standing in front of 10 members of UA staff, including All Might. Okay, none of them had thought of this.

Katsumi was trying come up with possibilities in her head, what on earth would call for ten teachers?

"Hello! It's me your wonderful principal! You may be wondering what all of us are doing here, well I am here to tell you. You've all heard of a decathlon right? Well you'll be doing one! Isn't that wonderful?!-" Nezu was definitely way over-excited about this, it was going to kill them."-Well, you'll be working in your pairs, in your pairs you'll be working to beat one of our amazing staff member's scores in the decathlon. " Nezu smiled.

"We decided to give you an advantage, to pass you only have to beat 8 of the events. Of course you can do more if yo are able to." Aizawa added.

"We know decathlons are normally over a two day period, but seeing as there are only two of you, we can fit it into one day." Snipe continued.

"You and your partner will be doing every event together. You now have 5 minutes to stretch and come up with a plan." Kayama finished.

Katsuki immediately dragged you to the centre of the track to stretch, by god you were going to need it. While they were stretching Mimi decided it would be best if they decided which events to spend more or less energy on.

"We're gonna need some form of a plan." Katsumi suggested.

"No, we just go in there and win." Katsuki replied.

"Well, as much as I agree with you, we're going to need to use more or less energy." Katsumi continued.

"Tch, it's simple we don't use to much energy on the jumps and throws. We're only doing four actual running events right? It's nothing we haven't done before.


Oh how she hated when he made a good point, it just annoyed her to no end. She huffed and continued to stretch, Katsuki just let out a breathy laugh and continued. They weren't nervous per se, more anxious to know just who's score they'd have to beat.

"Okay, we'll announce which pairs with be against who.-" Katsumi blocked out everyone apart from when it got to her and Katsuki." Bakugo and Saino, you're up against..... 

All Might."

Katsumi and Katsuki's eye sight connected and all the felt was that this was chosen gratuitously, and they were feeling sense of absolute determination, though they were undeniably nervous..

This was going to be a challenge.

A Race for Two (Bakugo x Oc) [COMPLETE]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora