二十九 - The Sunrise

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Ch.29 - The Sunrise

The month of May had quickly passed as it was now June, meaning the days were longer and hotter. It had only been one day since the two had gone shopping, yet the difference in weather was very visible. The clouds in the sky were sparse, allowing the sun to project its rays upon what we call our planet, Earth. There was a breeze, which was moving the few clouds and many light-weight objects. The temperature called for people to dress without jackets and, if one was feeling daring, wear shorts and a short-sleeved T-shirt. Though, the students at UA had to follow according to the clothing rules, meaning they could only wear the uniform supplied.

The class was sat in their familiar classroom where the windows were open to allow any form of breeze to enter. The classroom was a buzz as people were talking eagerly about their experiences during their training. Katsumi, being herself, was reading another book. This one was new, her having finished the other one. This time she chose a fantasy book, this one about an ancient corrupted monarchy in which a prince wants to marry a princess from a neighbouring kingdom. Though the two kingdoms were on bad terms, so how did they meet you ask, well kids will be kids and meeting in the forest that bordered the two kingdoms wasn't off limits.

Katsumi's hair was tied up in a bun with a few strands falling out here and there, her glasses resting on her nose, framing her face beautifully. Her sea blue eyes scanning across the page wanting to read more of the so far entrancing story. 

On the contrary, Katsuki was simply looking around the classroom with a scowl, his normal morning routine. He had become accustomed to Katsumi not being very interactive with his classmates in the morning, if at all. He liked it, but pretended to pay no mind to it. 

If a person was to look at the class right now, they would notice that Katsumi and Katsuki were the only two not talking to someone, heck even Koda was talking! They weren't loners, if you told them that they might blow you up, but they were observational people. The kind of people who like to watch other people's behaviour to see what their weaknesses or strengths are. Katsuki did this more often that Katsumi seeing as she was almost always tucked into a book, but she was guilty of doing it too. For example, if they were done with a test, looking around at the others and seeing them do questions, seeing which ones they have to think about and which ones they don't.

The breeze swept through the classroom, making the strands of hair coming out of her bun sway in the air. In his case, it just made the spiky blonde strands of hair on his head sway slightly, the shape not changing much. 

What halted the peaceful atmosphere of the classroom, was the door banging open. Of course it was Aizawa sensei walking into the classroom in his normal dramatic fashion. People scurried to their seats, not wanting to be punished. Katsumi marked where she was in her book, put her glasses in her blazer pocket which was hanging over the back of her chair. The clock on the wall showed the time to be dead on 8:30am on a Monday morning. 

Aizawa-sensei stopped at the podium, ready to give his usual morning announcements.

"Morning class." Aizawa said, the class responding.

"Good morning Aizawa-sensei"

"So, now that you all have finished your coaching partnerships, its's time to move onto more serious matters. Your end of term exams are coming up.-" The mood of the classroom quickly wilted, people not looking forward to that.-" You'll have a writing part for all of your classes, then a practical part to test your progress. We can't tell you what's on the practical, but if you don't pass, there will be consequences. If you do pass, you and the other class will be headed off into the woods for a summer camp. Though that's only if you pass every exam." Aizawa explained bluntly. 

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