二 - A New Beginning

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Ch.2 - A New Beginning

As the 15 year olds strolled down the wet, concrete paths of her city, the billboards on the sky high towers played videos of those who're famous. More specifically famous athletes, oh how she wished she would end up on those billboards. Though currently the rain splashing on the sidewalk broke her from her day dream and made her realise how she is currently on her way to school, and how her best friend of 8 years was waving her hand in her face.

"Katsumi! We're going to  be late!" Hana ushered as she grabbed Katsumi's hand. Hana had changed from since she was seven. She was no longer as shy, only to those whom she didn't know, so to Katsumi she was her normal bright self. 

The two continued their journey to school albeit while being drenched by the rain which was coming down in gallons, oh how they wished they bought an umbrella. The beeping of car horns and splashes of shoes was what the city mainly consisted of on these days, though to out shine all of that was the huge billboards playing random adverts that no one really ever cares for; though some times they're interesting.

The two girls did end up making it to school, though they didn't make it dry. They walking into their classroom with no one else sparing as much as a passing glance, Katsumi and Hana had a weird status in school. They were known for their athletic abilities and often praised for them, though one certain girl of the two would never be satisfied with that, she wanted to be the best. This said girl sat down in her chair letting out a huff due to the fact her once dark brown, wavy hair had turned more curly and frizzy; it should eventually dry though. Katsumi pulled out a book from her bag and continued to read from where she left off. 

The book Katsumi was reading was one about how the most famous Olympians came to be, meanwhile Hana was reading from over her shoulder as she didn't want to buy the book saying 'you could just read it online.'; well look whose the one reading it now. Neither party said anything as this became a regular part of their routine nowadays and they both enjoyed each other's presence. 

Katsumi marked her point in the book with a book mark as the teacher called out for everyone to sit at their desks for homeroom. The chatter in the room eventually died down as people sat down in their assigned seats and waited for the teacher to begin either a lecture - which is how it is most days - or something actually interesting.

"Okay class so, it's your final year in junior high and as you know now is the time to begin choosing your career path. I know most of you want to do something sport related, I mean that's how things work these days, but is anyone applying for any big shot schools." The teacher asked, Katsumi had always liker her teacher because he always respected everyone's privacy. Katsumi, Hana and 1 other raised their hands. 

"Oh okay three of you, that's more than normal. So do any of the three of you want to share where you'll be trying out?" he suggested

"UA." Katsumi smiled simply as those around began to mutter, though she couldn't care less.

"Oh? Which course? Athletics I presume Saino." He smiled, Katsumi replied with an assuring hum

"Good luck with that, Choyaku where will you be trying out for?" He asked

"Shiketsu." Hana muttered, though Katsumi's mouth was agape. She knew Hana wanted to go to a top school , so when Katsumi mentioned that she'd be trying out for UA and Hana replied with "cool." she thought at least she'd be coming with. 

The teacher continued to talk about career choices and recommendations for each student but Katsumi couldn't care less for that, what she could care for was how Hana wouldn't be going with her. In all fairness Hana never agreed to come, but Katsumi doesn't read people well, she does read books though. She tried to push down the overwhelming feeling of betrayal because she knew it wasn't Hana's fault she wanted to go to Shiketsu, but who would she be able to talk to about random things this one boy always did at practice? One time Katsumi was sure she saw him trying to pole-vault onto the roof of the equipment room, he actually did it as well.

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