十 - Splash

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Ch.10 - Splash

The bus's engine hummed as all twenty students of class 1A relaxed peacefully on the moving bus, some awake, some asleep. It was late afternoon around 3:45pm, meaning most normal people wouldn't be asleep but lets be realistic, no one from 1A is normal. 

The scenery going by was mostly beautiful green trees that were re-growing leaves because it was spring, the greenery as luscious as rainforest. The interior of the bus was quiet, nothing above a whisper could be heard. Katsumi was still asleep, her head resting his Bakugo's ; as he too was sleeping. The pair were sat at the front of the rowed seated before the bus had an open layout, meaning as most of the class was seating on the open layout, they could have a full view of the situation. Not that they'd noticed. Yet.  

"Wasn't that training fun? It's funny how Mimi knew everyone." Mina said, talking to those still awake in the open layout area.

This kind of conversation would naturally make people look at the person mentioned, so when they all looked at Katsumi, they were all shocked. The newly found loud, angry member of class 1A had been tamed, by Katsumi, the girl that was way to athletic for her own good, the girl that was quiet yet seemingly bi-polar when it came to people she knew (such as Hana and Hikari).

"OH M-" Mina was close to screaming, not out of fear, but out of 'Oh my god that's too cute.' Though Tsu slapped her hand over Mina's mouth as to not wake the two.

"Kacchan's not blowing anyone up....." Midoriya mumbled in amazement, seeing his childhood friend not beating-up anyone who touched him.

"That's cute." Tsu commented, others humming an agreement

"Oui, that is très cute." Aoyama, shined.

"How does he get all the girlsssss......" Kaminari sighed, throwing his head back "And one as pretty as Saino." he continued to complain.

"I think we should leave them be." Sato said

"Yeah, it wouldn't be manly to wake them up." Kirishima said

"I agree, we should stay quiet to ensure out classmates get enough rest for their bodies." Iida said.

As the class rep instructed, the class stayed quiet, only talking in a whisper or a quiet tone. All Aizawa could think was 'How come they can't do this when I ask them?'

Well that question was one that couldn't be answered, but what could was the fact that the drive back to UA was almost complete - seeing as the USJ wasn't too far away from the main campus. The UA building coming into close view, as those asleep began to be woken up; though one pair was left asleep.

The bus pulled up outside of UA, where the class departed from earlier in the day. The bus came to a halt, the wheels squeaking in the process. Aizawa was the first to get up and out of his seat, preparing to give the class instructions.

"Once you've all gotten changed you all have to wait in the class room, I have a few announcements to make." Aizawa said, walking off of the bus.

"Guys we need to wake them up." Momo said, point to Katsumi and Bakugo who were still fast asleep. Momo then proceeded to walk off of the bus, knowing something crazy might happen in an effort to wake up the pair. 

Then Iida walked off, leaving the rest of the class to figure out a way to wake them up. "Why don't we just shake them awake?" Jiro suggested

"That's boring! Besides, I have a better idea." Mina said, pulling out two, very full water bottles.

"Oh god." Kirishima said 

"That's not going to end well with Kacchan so I'm out." Midoriya said, walking out of the bus, Uraraka following as well as Todoroki who didn't seem bothered. 

"That's not very smart you guys, they might not be very happy about that." Sato said, walking out with Shoji, Ojiro, Tokoyami and Koda.

"Kaminari would you like to help." Mina said, offering him one of the water bottles.

"Sure." He agreed.

Anyone left inside of the bus walked near to the door, still wanting to see what will happen but not be murdered. Mina and Kaminari held the water bottles over Katsumi and Bakugo's heads and began to count down in a whisper

"5, 4, 3 , 2, 1, go!" Mina whisper shouted.

Then all hell broke loose.


Jiro, Kirishima, Sero, Jiro and Aoyama stood in the doorway of the bus as the pair sprang up from their seats, soaked. The water was ice cold and neither of them were wearing their jackets meaning they were both freezing. Katsumi looked at Bakugo who was equally as wet, then she saw the two culprits. It was good that both of the soaking people put their things in their bags so they could run out and attack, because that's what they did. Katsumi and Bakugo broke out into a sprint in order to chase up Mina and Kaminari for revenge. 

Those in the doorway had ran out to the rest of the class, trying not to look like they were involved. Mina and Kaminari hid behind the class hoping not to be murdered. 

"I know you're there Mina and Kaminari!" Katsumi said throwing her back and jacket on the floor and chasing after them, with Bakugo doing the same but from a different angle.

Lets just say those two were punished.


The class was sat back in their seats, two still with wet hair which would definitely be knotted later. The one day Katsumi doesn't bring a hair brush, this happens typical! Though now Aizawa was standing at the podium with a sheet of paper in his hands, though anyone could tell he just wanted to go home, much like the class.

"So I have one final thing to announce but it might take some time, does anyone know what the pairing system is?" Aizawa asked. Katsumi, having an older sister, knew what it was. Only Iida raised his hand with Katsumi as the rest of the class kept their hands down.

"Right so what it is, is a system in UA - they might do it in other schools I don't know- Where the faculty choose to put people in pairs to work together for the rest of they year. We choose based on ability, events you specialise in, times and scores, grades and room for progress. In these pairs we expect you to train together to help better yourselves as athletes. I'll be announcing them now. So: Asui and Uraraka, Ashido and Kaminari, Iida and Midoriya, Mineta and Aoyama, Satou and Kirishima, Sero and Ojiro, Tokoyami and Jiro, Shoji and Koda, Todoroki and Yaoyorozu, finally, Saino and Bakugo."

Ah yes, what a coincidence, Katsumi was put with the person she had a love/hate relationship with. She liked that he was determined and competitive, someone she could relate to. Though she hated that he was quite frankly a tease and that he was just as competitive as her.

Well this should turn out interesting.

Especially as they'd be against each other in a day's time.

A Race for Two (Bakugo x Oc) [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now