十二 - A Diving Finish

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Ch.12 - A Diving Finish

The 20 runners positioned on their running blocks anxiously waiting for the whistle for the second race to begin. The slight breeze blew their hair with is as the grass seemed to be combed over was the wind pressured it, it wasn't cold, the air only tended to nip the skin occasionally. 

200 meters, that's all this was. Katsumi was placed in this race too, rather inconvenient if you ask her seeing as she ran just minutes before. On her right was two people from Bakugo's team which she didn't recognise, though further on was Iida, someone she did recognise. From her team (apart from her) was Togata.

Togata, he was probably the best in the club, scratch that. He was the best, and in UA. He and Amajiki were in a group called the Big 3, they were known for their athletic abilities as being the best in the athletics course; though everyone knew them. Katsumi was known for being good, victory was in her name, though she couldn't beat Togata in anything; Though for Amajiki she could, in like one event but she'll take it as a victory. 

Iida was an interesting athlete for her, he was amazing at short distance. Though when it came to longer distance he seemed to lose his fuel. Katsumi knew he trained hard and therefore could take that as an exception. 

"On your marks-"

If she couldn't win this Togata could, she could rely on that. But it's never good to rely on anyone else in situations like these, mainly because if you do and they lose, you won't have put any effort in. So she's going to go as fast as normal, if not faster to prove a point.

"- Get set-"

In sync everyone moved their bodies into a starting position. Katsumi figured she'd have to run on length of the track unlike last time which was half the length.

"- Go!"

She took off, once again in sync with the twelve other runners competing in the race. She could see from next to her that her and Togata had an immediate lead, Togata more so. When you're young and you're taught the basic rules, hints and tips, one thing you're taught is not to look if anyone's behind you, and to only care about yourself. Katsumi abided by this rule for the most part, though it's inevitable to want to know if anyone's hot on your tail, or by how much you'll win. 

Within the first 100 meters some had started to slow down by a fraction, showing those who had a high stamina. Katsumi knew this was Iida's element (and hers), he would be hot on her tail soon if he wasn't now. 

Togata had a slight lead over Katsumi, only by 5 meters, though that was only growing. Katsumi was always taught 'They're older than you and they've had more years of training, of course they're better.' but what was the point? When she goes to the Olympics she couldn't just blame it on the fact they're older, she had to be the best. This was the reason she also didn't want to fully rely on him, if she was going to be successful and prove herself, she had to make sure she was noticed. 

She evidently pushed herself as 50 meters left of the race came into view, Togata noticed and amped up his pace to pull ahead, may I remind that they're on the same team. Her prediction was correct, Iida was hot on her tail, there only being at 10 meter gap which she needed to make bigger.

Based on simple math she was to win, though she knew Iida's capabilities and once again didn't want to rely on that. She was certain about Togata winning, though if she came 3rd to Iida it could decrease the team's overall score, that was most definitely not on her agenda. 

There was 10 meters left, Togata was about to cross the finish line in front of Katsumi, she could settle seeing as it would be a win for her team, though is anyone ever happy for someone who stole 'their' win?

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