四十三 - On The Billboards

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Ch.43 - On The Billboards

The early morning sun shone across the land, making the hotel estate even more magnificent. The dew drops on plants and grass dripping as the sun warmed up the land like a blanket placed on a bed. There wasn't a cloud in sight, unlike the day prior.

What was also unlike the day prior, was today's events. Today was the beginning of Japan's Junior Nationals Sports event, this day in particular being athletics. Even as the four teens slept, it was undeniable that their dreams were full of excitement of what was to come. Fantasizing was what would happen if they win, though as of now, an alarm was blaring; one smart girl remembering to set one.

"Turn in off...." Katsumi mumbled, shoving her head under he pillow. Kendo did turn it off, though made sure to turn on the lights to make sure no one would doze back off into a slumber.

"Well, we have an hour and thirty minutes before we need to meet outside. So I'm gonna go and get dressed." Kendo yawned, though Katsumi was five steps ahead of her. Katsumi seemed to have an alert sensor for when someone says "I'm gonna go and get ready." This was most likely because of Hikari, but mainly because she like to be ready before anyone else.

Katsumi got out of bed and grabbed her clothes, fully confusing those she shared a room with. Then proceeded to go in the bathroom, now they understood.

Katsumi took a very quick shower, then brushed her teeth and changed into her clothes. Her hair was dishevelled, and even with the good lighting, it needed to be brushed. Though what was a task was actually getting her clothes on.

Due to the flexible material her athletics uniform was made out of, it seemed to 'stick' to her body making it almost impossible to put on. Though she did it, even if it was a war. She cleared out of the bathroom afterwards and the others began to get ready.

Katsumi was thinking about what hairstyle she should do, a ponytail of some sorts; she despised anyone who didn't tie up their hair. She brushed through it, muttering curses when her hair was unnecessarily knotted. A simple high ponytail was what she concluded into doing, and that's what she did; though also making sure it wouldn't fall out at any point. 

Her nerves were bubbling with anticipation, sure she'd been to competitions before but this was different. This competition was on a whole different level, the best athletes from the top 100 schools were here, and she was dying to compete against them.

Breakfast was interesting, the four saw the other athletics students dotted around the dining area, but it was undeniable that everyone competing today was slightly embarrassed because they were in little to no clothes. Everyone wore their jackets over their tops, the jacket having the UA emblem on the back. Though there wasn't anything they could wear on the bottom other than their shorts.

Katsumi ate a meal full of carbs and protein, those two things would most definitely be needed later on in the day. Even if the thought was not vocalised, it was evident that the four 1st years were a mixture of nervous, excited, determined and just  happy to be here. I mean, thinking realistically, there might not be a chance any of them will come to this event ever again. The only reason for this being that other athletes may grow stronger and therefore take their place, though we all know that two very stubborn people wouldn't allow that.

Katsuki wasn't that nervous, more in the mind set of 'be the best and fuck the rest'. He knew he would never stop beating himself up if UA didn't win today, this whole event not having singular winners and only schools winning. 

While waiting outside for the bus, Katsumi spotted Sora; the memories of the torture of the coaching partnership resurfacing. Though what could've been an greeting was stopped when Aizawa sensei and two other teachers told the students to get on the bus, this one significantly smaller than the ones that were used yesterday.

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