四十 - Ice

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Ch.40 - Ice

The summer heat was coming to close, Autumn beginning in the next month. Though that didn't mean it wasn't hot on some days. The last 17 days of training for Katsumi have been a whale of a ride. Her leg was basically better, though using for any distance longer than 800m made it twinge in an uncomfortable pain.

After exactly two months of summer vacation, everyone's breaks filled with drama somehow, it was time to return to school. The day was a warm one, though if there were to be a breeze, the air might nip at the skin.

As per usual, Katsumi was sat at her desk reading a book; like normal. Life was normal, but was it really? In a week Katsumi would be going to and competing in one of the biggest competitions in Japan, and not only people in Japan would be seeing it. This meant a lot for her and the school, the pressure to a normal person might've been excruciating, but she only saw it as another hurdle in her path, one she would pass. 

Some may disagree with Katsumi's opinion, but after not seeing classmates after such a long time, it was great to see them. Even if Katsumi wasn't one to interact with them, the buzz was welcoming, the chatter and laughter would be able to brighten her mood. Despite the summer being a time of rest and free time, she honestly hadn't had that much time to read, only finish one book over the summer; which is weak in her opinion. 

Katsuki walked past her desk to see her reading, he chuckled silently knowing she'll never change. He could agree that the happy buzz to the classroom every morning was contagious, but would he say that? No, but his subconscious was happ- pleased to know that his classmates were having fun.

Aizawa walked in opening the door in his melodramatic way, the class scattering back to their seats. He walked to the podium at the front of the classroom, putting some papers down.

"You have orientation now, go out the the front of the school. Saino, Bakugo, wait here." Aizawa ordered. All of the class except for the two who's names were called left, in the process Katsumi putting her glasses away and her book in her bag.

Soon enough the class had cleared out, leaving Aizawa, Katsumi and Katsuki. Aizawa seemed to have a serious enough face on, Katsumi didn't know what on earth this was about and was more focused on what could happen in her book.

"So, I just have a couple things to ask you.-" Aizawa began, okay, now both of them were sceptical.-"First, Saino, is your leg better?" 

"Oh, yes thank you sensei." Katsumi replied, she was relived that it wasn't anything serious.

"Good, second, are both of you still able to compete in nationals?" Aizawa continued.

"Yes sensei." Both said at the same time, Katsumi thought that Aizawa was probably doing this because he had to. It would make sense, they would need a weeks notice so they can get a replacement.

"Good, starting today and up until Friday, you and all the other athletes invited to nationals will be doing extra training in replacement of lessons. Of course you both will only be working with other first years and will have to make up for the work you will have lost once you both return from nationals. Understand?" Aizawa told.

"Yes sensei." Both replied once again. 

"Good, now get to orientation or else you'll be late." Aizawa ushered, the two running off to hopefully find their classmates somewhere.


Aizawa didn't lie, Katsumi and Katsuki were exchanging lessons to train. Usually, they had training for two hours after lunch and then would have lessons after. Though the two wouldn't have those afternoon lessons and would train. Even on the days they didn't train after lunch and did it at other times, they would exchange the last hour of the day for extra training. At least that's what was happening right now.

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