二十四 - We're Going There?

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Ch.24  - We're Going There?

Their bodies' extra need for oxygen was being met, of course their chests heaving to accommodate this need; nevertheless, the need was med. Considering the morning so far had been cold, the air nipping an ones skin, a tendency to make ones eyes water and nose and cheeks red. The duo who'd just run twelve miles didn't feel like that, they felt hot. The kind of hot when your chest and legs are warm, with your hands and fingers cold and eyes watering.

Their heavy breathing subsided after a few minutes, them feeling almost ready to get right back to work. Katsumi got up and grabbed her bottle, throwing Bakugo his. He barely caught it, him not noticing the cylinder pelting towards his face until the last minute. Even so, now they were both drinking, no, chugging the water. Any coach they'd ever had would always tell them not to chug their water in the middle of a work out, but did it really have any negative side effects? Well, neither Bakugo nor Katsumi could care less, when your throat feels like it's been dried up and frozen and with the natural need for water, they were going to down their water.

They two continued to sit on the floor for a few minutes, not feeling totally ready to get back to working. "He makes us do this and has the audacity to make us go to the gym after." Katsumi muttered, re-doing her shoelace. Bakugo just smirked and rolled his eyes at Katsumi's bitterness, feeling the same.


With much self-motivation, the duo convinced themselves to go and meet Sora up at the UA gym. The current time was 10am, meaning there was a whole day of exercise to complete- oh boy neither of them were prepared.

"Glad to see you both alive, on another note, you'll be working in the gym until lunch. Work on whatever you please, there are a few rules. No breaks longer than five minutes, don't use any equipment anyone else id  already using, and you have two hours, go!" Sora said with a bright smile that had a shit-eating grin hidden underneath.

Katsumi decided she may as well make use of her time and work on simple weights. Not wanting to interact with anyone, she connected her earphones to her phone and set some music on. She always found that working to music seemed to make her work faster and better, so why not listen to some?

She picked up some hand-held weights and began to lift them, wanting to make her arms stronger; particularly her left. If seven-year-old Katsumi found out all the work she'd have to put in to even get into UA, she would've been flabbergasted. To become great, or even better than most of your class, you need to put in a lot of work. It's not just about heading to practice four times a week, that's the easy way that won't get you that successful. It's about working you muscles to become stronger, more resilient. It's about working your technique in your own free time so that you feel confident at anything and everything. It's about never giving up, even if achieving a new personal record may seem impossible.

All that to a seven year old may seem complete and utter gibberish, but it's true, and current day Katsumi can and will stand with it. 

While Katsumi was lifting her weights, someone walked next to her and began to also lift some weights. "Oi, move." Ah, who else would it be. Katsumi scoffed with a slight smile on her face and did in fact move. Though it was only a little bit. His voice was hard to make out over her music, but it was audible. 

After 30 minutes of lifting different weights, Katsumi decided she should move onto something else. That something else was the that one machine Katsumi never bothered to learn the name of, but it was one to work on one's leg muscles, your back leaning against a padded surface and your legs having to push a board.

This machine always seemed so simple in Katsumi's head, but when it came into practice it always burned her legs after just a few minutes. She set her water bottle down on the floor, set it to the correct weight, and got onto the machine and began to work. 

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