二十五 - Feelings

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Ch.25 - Feelings

Her lips formed a pout, she wasn't mad because she was here, she was mad because she wasn't informed. She saw two other coaches, meaning there were four other students. Sora walked the duo over to the members of staff, who were talking in a circle. 

"Hello!" Sora said, in a kind yet expressive manner. The members of staff turned around at him,  not noticing the duo behind him.

"Hi, nice for you to come. We'll start in 20 minutes- Katsumi is that you?" A man said, he was called Kodai. He definitely was the type to be energetic and always involved; probably why Katsumi favoured him over most coaches. 

"Yep." Katsumi replied, popping the 'p'. Bakugo looked completely lost, he knew no one apart from Katsumi, he didn't have a clue where he was (though he knew it was a good training place).

Kodai came up and gave Katsumi a hug, he was only in his mid twenties, having started working here when Katsumi joined. Katsumi thought of him as an older brother, therefore accepting his hug. Bakugo didn't like the hug, he wasn't even involved, but maybe it was because of who was involved. Katsumi's mom was there, just watching the whole ordeal.

The two separated after a few seconds, Kodai telling Katsumi to go over to the other groups and Katsumi doing as requested. Within those 'other' groups was a girl with lavender hair that went down do her knees paired with a girl who had dark pink hair which was cut short. The other group contained of a boy who had light brown hair which was cut to have an undercut, with a girl standing next to him. She had blonde hair which was wavy, her hair wasn't as blonde as Bakugo's however. One thing all of these people shared in common was that they all were wearing the UA athletics uniform, so at least they all had something in common, right?

20 minutes can either fly by, or not fly by, being impossibly long. Well it flew by seeing as all of the UA students were instructed to go and sit on the benches at the side of the track. Katsumi recognised none of these people, which meant they had no clue where to go. So, Katsumi took the lead with the others being secretly grateful.

Katsumi just sat down and played on her phone, the others sitting down and doing their own thing. The girl with lavender hair was talking avidly to who Katsumi could only assume was her partner, she seemed the type to be constantly high energy. The other pair there we're talking normally, no high energy needed. 

The 7 to 10 year olds walked into the centre of the track following Katsumi's mom. Katsumi turned off her phone to watch the kids, one of them noticing her, one who was Katsumi's favourite. Taiyo waved at Katsumi which coincidentally caught the attention of the other UA students, Katsumi didn't notice that however, and simply waved back with a smile to the young girl. 

"She your sister or something?" Bakugo asked.

"No, I coach her sometimes though, she's my favourite." Katsumi stated. Bakugo was utterly confused however.

"How can you coach her?" He continued to ask.

"Because they're all following my mom right now and I help her sometimes." Katsumi replied. Bakugo made a clicking noise with his tonged, Katsumi, not sure how to take the gesture simply continued to watch the children.

She saw them warm up, following Aki's actions. All of the other UA students were watching the children warm up, them wondering  what they'll be doing, yet Katsumi knew perfectly what they were going to be doing.

Aki walked over to the UA students and began to instruct them. "Hello, nice to meet you, I'm Saino.-" It was simply embarrassing because anyone could connect the dots that the two were related, the hair being the give away"- So today you'll all be coaching your own group of children, I've already organised who you'll be coaching. You'll be working on sprints, nothing too hard. So, Saino Katsumi and Bakugo Katsuki you'll be working with the seven year olds.-" Katsumi didn't need to hear anymore to get up and drag Bakugo by the wrist while grabbing a whistle and clip board"- um who said you can go?" Aki said in a questioning tone, though there was a joking sense to it.

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