八 - Meeting Friends

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Ch.8 - Meeting Friends

Finally it was the last day of the week of the first week of UA. The moon was still in the sky with the stars spangled around it, the sun slowly beginning to show as the sky seemed to split with vibrant colours. The air was fresh, and crisp, waking the poor souls who were training at 6am. The flood-lights that surrounded the track shone a bright, white light so the athletes could see.

There were 15 athletes waiting to train at this ungodly hour, all from the age 11 to 18. It may seem like a large age gap but there was never any complaints against it. Those 15 that were there hugged their jackets to their bodies in a hopes to keep warm from the cold spring air. Their light blue jackets and shorts being the only visible items of clothing on them, that wasn't going to keep them warm at all.

It was an early club training morning, the ones Katsumi hated the most. Seeing as her mom was the coach she'd always have the responsibility to drag Katsumi out of bed, which was never an easy task. Katsumi's mom wasn't the only coach at the club, there were 4 more which Katsumi had gotten to know in the past and now felt like they were relatives at this point. 

One would have thought as it was spring that it wouldn't be as cold as winter, wrong - it always felt cold at early morning practices-. Hana was now hugging Katsumi and Katsumi was hugging back, hoping to share body heat. Katsumi could see Togata and Amajiki also shivering, to be honest who wasn't shivering right now. Everyone had stretched though didn't feel any warmer.

"Right! I know it's early and not many people want to be here but it's important if you want to get better at athletics, which is the whole reason why you're all here. But before we get into any training, I do have an announcement-" This peaked everyone's interest, people being more awake now."- There is a meet in 2 days. It's track only and there will be one cross-country section to it, I've already chosen who's doing that. The age group is only 15 to 17 though, so sorry if you can't come, there is a meet for everyone next month. Any questions?" Katsumi's mom finished.

One person raised her hand, Emi Soshi in particular. She and Katsumi were close, though not as close as Katsumi and Hana. Emi was a good athlete compared to most though Katsumi was better in most events. "Can you say who's going?" She asked

"Of course, Togata, Amajiki, Yoarashi, Choyuka, Katsumi and Soshi. Now-" Aki clapped her hands together "- Run round the track once!" 

That was how most morning practices started, the sun rising over the land as the 15 runners who showed up for mornings ran around the track, their breaths making steam appear in front of them.


Practice had ended by now and Katsumi and Hana were in the changing rooms, both frantically trying to get dressed. They had a reason to be frantic, it was 8 and both of their homeroom's started at 8:30am. It also took 25 minutes to get to their separate schools from the track if they rushed, they were going to be late. 

"Hana, have you seen my tie?!" Katsumi asked searching through her bag, messing it up in the process

"Here!" Hana said throwing Katsumi's tie at her head.

"Thanks!" Katsumi said trying to do her tie so that it didn't look messy.

"Have you seen my hat?!" Hana asked, now also rummaging through her bag. Katsumi looked at her pile of mess and found a dark coloured hat, which she proceeded to throw at Hana who caught it.

They both left the changing rooms at 8:05am and if they were lucky they would make it to their schools, the both dashed off, their ways separating and saying their goodbyes. Now Katsumi was left running down the street though not at full speed, a school uniform wasn't made for that. 

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