四 - A Different Type of Training

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Ch.4 - A Different Type of Training

The very fatigued girl strolled down the cracked concrete sidewalks of her city as she came every closer to the place she most wanted to be, home. The orange tint to the sky coloured everything a beautiful shade as the sun set for the day, her dark brown, wavy hair having an orange light tinting the edges whereas her once sky blue eyes has a mask of orange, created by the setting sun.

Her feet stepping on the sidewalk as her house came into view. The house had a brick exterior with vibrant green ivy climbing the walls higher and higher with each passing day. The gate that fenced off the outside was painted black, as the bars cast a shadow of the foot path leading to the door. The windowsills were painted a sea like turquoise though the wood it was made out of had started to show after the years of harsh and calm weather. The house looked to be rather European but neither parent cared.

Gate closed with a creek as she walked up the rocky path towards the house, then climbing the two steps up to the front porch. The rucksack that was once on her back was now put on the floor as Katsumi rummaged through the pockets to attempt to find the house keys.

"House keys, house keys. Where are they?!" She huffed regretting not organising what was where, though her struggles were heard as the door opened revealing her father.

" You having any trouble down there?" he said, French accent slipping through.

"Ah!-" Katsumi yapped not noticing the door open "-papa!" She smiled, zipping her rucksack back up as she gave her father a hug.

"Alors, comment c'etait?" (So, how was it?) he asked in his preferred language

"Je pense que ça s'est bien passé ." (I think it went well) she said as she walked in and her papa closed the door, the two continuing to have a conversation.

Katsumi's father was French, though he moved to Japan when he was 15 due to his parents needing to for their work. Though Yuki, her father, loved Japan much more than France so he decided to stay. This is also part of the reason their home is built as it is.


The family of four was sat eating ravenously as the delicious food that was set before them, courtesy of Yuki with a little help from Hikari; Katsumi may have added some extra spice because she personally thinks that anyone who has bland food has a bland personality. Katusmi smirked as she saw her sister cough and her eyes water at the spice which wasn't even that bad, for someone who has a very high spice tolerance.

"Qu'est-ce que tu a mis dans ce papa?" (What did you put in this dad?) Hikari coughed as Katsumi continued to mindlessly slurp on her noodles.

"Juste un peu de-" (Just a little bit of-) Though before he could finish Katsumi burst out laughing

"Juste voir si ton tolérance aux épices a augmenté."  (Just to see if your spice tolerance has increased) Katsumi laughed, almost inhaling some of the broth. As a response Katsumi did have a noodle thrown at her, she just ate it.

"Okay stop fighting and eat, Katsumi don't do that again please." Her mother said with stern eyes. Somehow her mom had learnt a few French phrases but never tried to actually speak it.

The dinner then continued with a fluid conversation throughout, something about politics.


Katsumi and her mom were in the car driving to her practice, it was a Wednesday afternoon, the only day apart from Saturday Sunday when she has a day off. It had been 6 days since the entrance exam and Katsumi and antsy to know whether she'd gotten in

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