十匕 - Sports Festival Finale

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Ch.17 - Sports Festival Finale

The bustling of the city wasn't as normal as on those huge billboards was UA's first year athletics sports festival. Many people were attracted to them like a moth to a flame, gawking at the utter talent that had been displayed thus far. UA definitely had some amazing students in its arsenal this year.

Now the lunch break had come to and end and the final event of the day was to be announced, ten people standing awkwardly in front of the Kayama sensei's stage. It felt weird how at the beginning of the day there was four times the amount of people standing in the centre of the stadium, now there was only ten. 

"Welcome back from the lunch back and now it's time for the final event. This event will be reveal in one minute, but what will it be?" Kayama sensei began as the TV screen's content played a spinning wheel, for the final event it would be none other than

1000 meter steeple chase.

Ah lovely. They had to make it 'long' so that the day would be stretched out. In all honesty, the steeple chase wasn't that difficult, only of you tripped over the hurdles or in the water pit. Then you just made it hard for yourself.

The ten runners got into position in their lanes, not that it particularly mattered, everyone would be merging pretty quickly. Katsumi got into the middle lane, as her number 5 was still on her short from earlier. The others got into their lanes pretty quickly and Katsumi did what she tended to do, scan for the competition; now at least she knew who to look for.

'Bakugo, obviously, Todoroki, he should be interesting, Momo, she's versatile, and those two from class B. The ginger one and the one with grey hair and weir eyelashes.'

There weren't starting blocks for 'long' distance races such as this so she put her left foot just behind her starting line, her right foot further back than her left. She had the main competition acknowledged in her brain and she was calm, well, as calm as she can with her exhilaration. She wanted a fair ang intense race and with these competitors, that's what she was going to get.

The crowd quietened as they should seeing as the race was about to begin. And the robotic announcer began.

"On your marks-" She only had to run around this track 2 and a half times, then within that jump 3 hurdles and go through the water pit 3 times. Easy.

"Get set-"

The stadium was a deathly silent as they anticipated the gun shot signalling the beginning of the race, the runners were too anxious for the race to begin, not wanting to jump the gun.

Then the starting gun sounded and the runners where off.

In class 1A it was a common known fact that Bakugo and Katsumi's paces for long distance were unmatchable, it turned out that the two class B students were similar. Yes they weren't quite as fast as the class A duo, but it was intimidating.

Yamada sensei was stunned when he saw the two tying for first place running as though they had engines with unlimited fuel.

"And immediately Saino and Bakugo take the lead at an astounding pace. What do you teach you kids Aizawa?!" Yamada exclaimed

"I didn't teach them that, they achieved their pace on their own." Aizawa sighed, with a tired tone in his voice. Though deep down Aizawa was on edge wanting one person from his class to win.

"Tetsutetsu and Kendo from class B not far behind them either! This looks like it will be quite the race folks, stay tuned to find out who will win!"

Katsumi and Bakugo basically had half a track lead from the rest of the runners, Tetsutetsu and Kendo being in the middle of that. Then came the first hurdle, the thought process isn't always as easy as some make it out to be. Preferably a person wants to be on their dominant foot to jump, but that doesn't always happen, in this case Katsumi had to jump with her right foot, Bakugo with his left. 

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