二十六 - Water Fight

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Ch.26 - Water Fight

The mid-morning wind was moving the clouds into shapes with different shades of colour here and there. The light blue sky peeking through these clouds ever so often, the sun making a section of the clouds lighter than the others. The clouds got darker however, and tiny droplets of rain began to be precipitated from the sky, slowly but surely those rain drops getting bigger and faster. 

Now it was raining, those outside beginning to become sodden. 'Those' were Mimi and Katsuki, as well as Sora. The rain could be seen as either a gift or a curse, cooling those in need of refreshing, or freezing those who were already cold. Katsuki and Mimi were the first, where as Sora the latter. 

Today, the duo were to work on throwing, yes the whole day, all 7 hours and 30 minutes. It was a break from yesterday's half marathon though, as well as coaching the children. It was hard to throw things when it was tipping it down with rain, though if the weather was like this in an actual competition, they couldn't cancel it. Therefore it was beneficial to train in such weather.

Katsumi rather liked the rain, her liking the feeling of cool water hitting her skin. Katsuki semi-agreed to this, liking the refreshing feeling, though hated how it obstructed his vision. Sora was wearing many layers such as a rain-coat and many sweaters underneath. 

The wind coincidentally picked up when Katsumi was throwing the javelin, pushing the javelin backwards. This caused it to skim the top of Katsuki's head, that did not go down well with him.

"DID YOU TRY AND HIT ME?!" He roared through the wind and rain, the tips of his ears and nose red from the cold.

"NO!" Though her disagreement seemed go deaf on his ears as he began chasing Mimi. 

"GET BACK HERE!" Katsuki demanded, trying not to slip over on the wet grass.

"NEVER!" Mimi retorted, with an evil laugh following her statement; her ears too red and her nose also red.

Sora simply stared at the two, he wasn't mad, in fact he saw it as training; that was Sora really pushing himself to believe that these two weren't just idiots. 

Despite that their chase began out of irritation, it was now the antithesis of what it began as. Now, it was a game of tag, not what they were there to do, at least it was fun right? That single game of tag lasted 5 minutes before Sora decided to actually step in.

"Okay guys, as much as you both seem to be having fun, you actually need to practice now. Or you may not get picked for nationals!" Sora was lying, they had already picked from each school who would be competing, though that was only from the schools who had completed their sports festival. Once all schools had completed their sports festival, they would email the students and their teachers about the ordeal. Neither of the two panting teenagers knew this though, them both having smiles on their faces and their cheeks went rosy too.


The next, and the second to last day, was one filled with jumps. All kinds of jumps. Long jump, high jump, triple jump, pole vault, you name it they had to do it. Personally, Mimi found the triple jump the hardest, purely because she lost some of your momentum jumping before the board therefor forcing one to have less power to jump with. Katsuki too found the triple jump the hardest for the same reason. This didn't mean either of them were bad at it, definitely not, it's just what they struggle with the most.

Naturally Sora decided to take advantage of that, and now the two were working on triple jump, much to their dismay. The rain from yesterday had gone, though the air was still muggy and cold, leaving the ground wet and slippery. As Katsuki and Mimi were listening to Sora ramble on about something important, Mimi looked down at her and Katsuki's feet, seeing his shoes tattered and possibly ripped. As the two were sent of to begin to work she brought up the matter.

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