二十八 - Shoe Shopping

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Ch.28 - Shoe Shopping

The day was calm, the sun beaming down on the Earth though not hard enough to make everyone too heated. Occasionally, there was a light breeze, which really set the mood for a Sunday. Today was the day Katsumi had promised (more like demanded) she'd bring Katsuki shoe shopping.

By now, Katsumi could tell the Katsuki acted different around her, he acted in a way he did to no other. She didn't know how to feel, this was because if you analyse her in the same way, she too is acting different around him. They both joke more around each other, they talk more like friends around each other than anyone else. 

Katsuki was known as the guy you don't wanna talk to unless you have some serious patience and bravery. He never lied, always telling how he felt, Katsumi liked that about him. He was always up for a challenge, another thing she liked. He would never give up, and if he opened up to someone, which Katsumi was sure he'd never done to anyone, he would joke around and have fun, like a normal teenager. Of course he'd still have his serious face on, but deep down, if you knew him well enough, anyone could tell how he felt. Katsumi was closer to him than she thought.

Katsumi was similar in a way, she preferred to keep to herself, only telling those around her her opinions if she'd opened up to them (like she has with Katsuki). She didn't have an extreme temper as Katsuki, though her buttons are easily pushed, like having the answers on a test. She opened up to people easier, though she could only assume Katsuki had a trouble with this because he'd let someone in his life once and been betrayed; or what he thought was betrayal. If at all possible, Katsumi was more competitive, she doesn't care what the challenge is about, she wants to win; much like her male companion.

Though currently, the two were sat in a train waiting for their stop. Oddly enough, seeing as the two had spent a lot of time together, they'd never seen each other in their own clothes. Katsuki was dressed in a simple white shirt with black ripped jeans along with dark green trainers with an orange soul. It looked very Katsuki-esque, though Katsumi had expected more black seeing as his personality was as it was.

 Katsumi was wearing some dark blue jeans which she did in fact roll the edges up, with this she wore a nice blouse top; not the kind one would be forced to wear for school, the kind that was a brick red and had nice flowers on it that ended at her elbows. This blouse was tucked into her jeans because otherwise she would've looked like an old lady, but she didn't. Her shoes were a simple white because, white's always an easy colour to match, like black. Katsumi's hair was down, letting her wavy hair stretch down to her mid-chest in length. Katsumi never wore make-up, saying that she couldn't be bothered to do it and that she didn't need it, ah the bliss of having a big ego; though hers was no match to Katsuki's.  

The two didn't talk for the whole train ride, them both being stupid and waking up early on a Sunday for this. It was 8:55 am and the duo were aiming to get to the mall at 9, aka when it opened. And that's what they did. 

"Okay do you have a preference of shoe shop?" Katsumi asked, only now waking up properly. The mall wasn't that busy, yet. Though nevertheless, there was a hum of chatter and shies hitting the floor.

"That one." Katsuki pointed to a shop, one Mimi went in often for any sports clothing. The two walked in, sleep still in their thoughts, that's when they realised that at least one of them is going to have to be somewhat awake for this.

Katsuki walked over to the men's section of the shoe area and began to browse, he was after the same model as his old ones, but they were old, and there was a slight doubt that he would be able to find the exact same ones. In all honesty, Katsumi knew Katsuki the best out of anyone in the class, but she knew nothing about anything he actually like. She knew that he liked his current shoes as well as dark colours such as his outfit (even though white and orange aren't exactly dark colours). She also didn't want to be like that one person, or parent, who just follows you everywhere and constantly picks out things for you to try. You know what I mean?

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