九つ - Shiketsu vs UA

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Ch.9 - Shiketsu vs UA

The 40 students stood in front of their respective teachers, all amazed of the sight before them. It was safe to say this place was huge and it would be a shame that they would only be using 1/4 of it at most. Katsumi had her arms around Yoarashi and Hana while gawking at the sight, this was better than she and Uraraka could have fathomed on that bench. 

"So, you all may have many questions about the current situation and we will answer them, but first we'll explain what you'll be doing today. To sum it all up you're cover everything, hence the reason we have 3 and a half hours to train. You'll be competing against each other in a friendly manner - this won't affect anything- to see what each of you can work on. Everyone will be doing everything, any questions?" Katsumi was glad that this Shiketsu teacher seemed to be clear with his instructions, Aizawa sensei just gave simple, declarative instructions.

No one raised their hands but rather got into a focused mindset. The teachers took this as an answer to their questions and began to announce the order of the events. Aizawa spoke this time, "So to begin with you all will do running, then throwing and to finish everything off, jumping. We'll announce more specifically when it comes to it." 

Aizawa didn't bother to ask if anyone was having trouble understanding and began to walk towards the athletics section. Naturally everyone followed and began to talk about what the endless possibilities of the training could result in.

"So, I might race against you guys. That's fun and all for me, but there's this one dude in my class who's really fast and might murder you if you beat him." Katsumi said, still walking with her arms around her two friends from her club; though Yoarashi's height was making it harder for Katsumi but she didn't care.

"Now I wanna beat him!" Yoarashi said, passionately.

"I mean if you say he's fast then he's fast, do you think one of us could beat him? I just wanna know what you mean by murder." Hana replied

"Well, him and I kept tying for everything if that tells you anything. But this one time I beat him I'm sure he was about to murder me with the glare he gave me. Though I just did his glare back." Katsumi rambled on.

"Of course you did." Hana said, as the group of students made their way into the athletics arena. At this Katsumi took her arms off of her friends and looked around.

The arena was structured much like a stadium, though without a roof seeing as the building already provided that. There was your average track though one had to admit it looked all nice and new. There was a steeple chase track too. There were bleachers on the sides for anyone who wanted or needed to sit. 

All in all anyone could summarise that this building was really, really big. 

"Okay UA come this way." Aizawa said, walking up the bleachers "Put your stuff here, get everything on that you need then warm up. You have 5 minutes." Aizawa said walking back down, leaving his students to hastily get ready. Katsumi slung her jacket off and then threw her hair back into a low ponytail.

Katsumi walked down the steep, metal bleachers and onto the track where she began to do some warm-ups. Next Yoayorozu sat next to her and also began to warm up. Soon all off the class was warming up and was almost done, Shiketsu was on another part of the track, also warming up. Aizawa then walked over to the group of warming up students,

"Now I know that this is a friendly joint training, but you need to show them that UA is better. Also Saino, I know we encourage socialising but please tone it down a notch." Aizawa said

"Sorry sir." Katsumi said, standing up because she'd finished warming up.

"Right, now keep in mind what I said. They have two key athletes there that you should watch out for. Coincidentally they're the two Saino was talking to." Aizawa finished, walking off.

A Race for Two (Bakugo x Oc) [COMPLETE]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz