六 - Class President

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Ch.6 - Class President

It was the day after the fitness test and classes were in full swing. The class chattered as the wind blew harshly against the windows, occasionally blowing leaves with it. Katsumi sat down in her blue chair and sighed, her wavy hair down for once now being tucked behind her ear. Katsumi reached down into her bag and pulled out her glasses, trying to put them on without Mina causing a fuss. The only reason she was putting them on was to read a new book she got.

The book itself was a murder mystery, a fiction of course. Mainly it was about a man who would kill women and leave his victims in black wedding dressed, a sign of a bad marriage. She put on the glasses and began to read the first page, though she found out the book was in French, a pleasant surprise

The woman ran down the alleyway in her crimson heels as the man came every closer, the man was in all black with an equally black face-mask. She knew he was up to no good when he pushed her into the alleyway into the first place. She was panicked, naturally, as all she wanted was to get back home to her wife and two cats.

"WHAT DO YOU WANT!" The terrified woman sobbed out

"I want you-" he cornered her in the dead-end of the alleyway, seeing her face only morph into more of a feared expression "-to be dead. It's only fair."

He pulled out a knife with a big blade, one intimidating to the sobbing woman. Her make-up was being ruined by her salty tears which didn't cease at any point, only flowing down faster the more the situation escaladed.

"PLEASE! I'll do anything!" Her voice quietening as sobs racked her lungs, preventing her from getting proper breaths.

"Get down on your knees and beg." The man growled, his black, cat like eyes watching her like a hawk making sure she wasn't to run away. The woman did as told and got down on her knees and began to beg to him to let her live. Though the man continued "It's funny, people say they never want to die, but what it really is, is a relief from the pained world we live in. You'll find out."

He stood beside her and whispered one final thing in her ear as he stabbed her ruthlessly in the back and neck, the woman letting out muffled screams of agony as her mouth was covered with his hand.

The colour drained from her face as her now lifeless body laid in the alleyway, he opened his rather large duffle bag and stripped her of most of her clothes, then placing the black laced gown on the now dead woman.

"You were in love, the ring says it all." The man said getting up and walking out of the metal smelling alley. "I knew how that felt once."

The man walked, society continuing to flow as normal, as if nothing happened. Car horns beeped angrily and people's feet walked along the dry concrete path, though one could always wonder, why did he do as he did?

Time of murder- 2:35pm

He was once a man in love, drunk on its effects. When he and his fiancé were at the alter about the be wedded, the unthinkable happened.

"I don't want to marry this man."

The words she uttered made everyone gasp, and him almost burst into tears. She ran out of the venue leaving both families and family friends in shock, how could she do that?

The time she did this horrible act was none other than 2:35pm

He was distraught but never let it show as he too walked out of the venue, getting into his car and speeding off. He was beyond angry, seething if you will. Though a part of him wanted to gain revenge.

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