十九 - Remembering

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Ch.19 - Remembering

The two tired teenagers stayed put on his sofa for a while, simply watching TV in a comfortable silence. His parents did come down from their bedroom though, and seeing their son with a girl, they never thought the day would come. Of course his mom quickly recognised who the girl was and seemed to be ready to question her son later, but now it was time for breakfast.

Bakugo turned his head around to see his mom entering the kitchen with a chuffed smirk on her face, he was immediately confused and with this came anger. They type of anger he has when he wants answers.

"What are you smirking for?" Bakugo growled at his mom, Katsumi looked up at Bakugo, thinking he was talking to her, only to turn her head around and see his all familiar parents. Katsumi got the gist of why Mitsuki was smirking, and whipped her head back around to the TV, a slight blush present on her face.

'Nope, I know what she's thinking, absolutely not.' Katsumi thought to herself, denying all thoughts that came to her head in that moment.

"Nothing.." Mitsuki hummed, sly smirk still evident on her face. Bakugo simply growled to this and turned back around to the TV.

As the duo watched the TV, a breakfast was being cooked, one that smelled very appetising. Katsumi could make out the smell to be rice and salmon with a soup, she couldn't define what was in the soup but it did smell good. 

The TV was playing some action movie with heroes, Katsumi wasn't really paying that much attention. But what did catch her eye was the advert breaks in between. They were clips from UA sports festival yesterday, more particularly the relay. The commentator was going on and on about Katsumi and Bakugo, and how fast they were. Both Bakugo and Katsumi couldn't help but hold pride for that.

"Okay breakfast's ready, come eat." Mitsuki said, making Bakugo and Katsumi get up off of the sofa. That's when they both realised they should both probably have a shower at some point, thank god for deodorant am I right?

Katsumi chose to sit at Bakugo's left seeing as she didn't want to re-enact the chemistry lesson they had a few weeks ago.

"Itadakimasu." The four of them said. Katsumi was thankful that Mitsuki had made her breakfast seeing as Katsumi just showed up at her house at 7:30 in the morning, arguing with her son about the ridiculousness of having to get up at 4am. 

Katsumi's guess was correct, they had rice, salmon and a soup for breakfast; Katsumi was happy that the soup had some spice to it.

"So, why could I hear shouting from down here at 7 in the morning?" Mitsuki asked, both Bakugo and Katsumi paled, knowing they both may have got into a little argument, just a little one. 

"I think you're going crazy." Bakugo said, putting some rice in his mouth. Katsumi just choked on her fish, if she told her mom that she might not have lived to see tomorrow.

"I heard it too, and respect your mother." Masaru said, attempting to tame his son. 

Katsumi and Bakugo just looked at each other, the look they shared was one of trying to come up with an excuse.

"He decided that 4am was a good time to wake up for training, who does that? I just........ gave him my opinion." Katsumi said, hoping to diffuse the situation.

Both adults just chuckled, already taking a liking to the girl in front of them.

"Don't act like you didn't suggest it." Bakugo retorted.

"As a joke! You looked tired at 5 this morning so there's no way you're even going to be alive at four." Katsumi said, devouring more of her breakfast.

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