♦️Chapter 56: Work Pt. 1♦️

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"Thank you." Jungkook smiles at the cashier before grabbing both his trays and walking away with Taehyung, not noticing the weird look at the cashier gave him.

"Bro, every time you say thank you, I feel like I'm going to shit my pants."

"Really? Please don't."

"Did you say 'please'? This is getting weird"

"You're making it weird. I'm just trying to be polite."

"Are we going to sit with them again?"

"Of course! I want to spend as much as time I could with him in school."

"You're fucking whipped." Taehyung chuckles.

They both were walking side-by-side as they were getting further into the cafeteria.

"Can you blame me? I barely get to see him in college since he doesn't take the same classes as me. Only in the hallways or the cafeteria I get to see him. I wish I could talk to Dad and get him a full scholarship."

"Don't know much about Jimin, but I got a feeling he's going to kill you if you try to do that."

"He is." This time Jungkook chuckles. "That's why I have to use other time to get close to him. Like I plan on doing this weekend."

"What is the plan?" Taehyung asked.

"Since my father is coming back on Monday, I want to use the remaining time we have to hang out more. Tomorrow is Saturday and I'm going with him to see a relative of his." Jungkook decided not to tell Taehyung about Jimin's grandmother in the hospital since Jimin probably doesn't want anyone to know. "And then on Sunday, I'll ask him out on a date."

"You must be very high to think that he's going to say yes."

"I'll figure something out."

"You're crazy." He laughed at his best friend.

Their conversation soon died out once they were at the table. Hoseok and Jimin were sitting next to each other and they looked at the two boys front of them. "What?" Jimin asked.

"I'm here to eat with you." Jungkook smiles big before placing one of the trey front of Jimin and then pushing Hoseok's tray to the side before replacing with his.

"Hey! What the-" Hoseok couldn't even argue back as Jungkook squeezed in between Hoseok and Jimin and almost shoved Hoseok off the bench.

"Sorry. I just wanted to sit there." Jungkook innocently smiles at him.

"Geez!" Hoseok hissed before grabbing his tray and sitting opposite of Jungkook, Taehyung sitting right next to him now. "You could have fucking asked before almost shoving me off."

Jungkookjust shrugs before looking at Jimin, who had a blank expression on his face. "I told you not to interact with me in school."

"No, you told me not to create a scene. I'm just sitting next to my friend."

"And stop wasting your money on me. I didn't ask for lunch."

"I already bought it. You have to eat it now."

"I swear to g–"

"Jimin." Taehyung speaks. "Jungkook was just worried about you not eating, that's why he got it." He tries to help his best friend as Jungkook nods his head.

Jimin sighs. "Fine, I'll accept today but you better not do it again. I can take care of myself." He said before grabbing the chapstick and start eating. "Thank you."

"You're welcome." Jungkook beams.

"Lovesick." Both Taehyung and Hoseok said at the same time before realizing and looking at each other... and then looking away.

"Umm... So Hoseok, are we going to the Art class today?

"Ah, yes. I already got few supplies in the art room so we could test it out today."

"Test it out? You mean we're going to paint?"

"Yeah. Since we decided to do different forms of art, like: Sculpture, Painting, Visual art, and the melted crayon art, I got the supplies for those and we're going to try it out to see if it's too difficult or not."

"Sounds good, but you should have told me. I feel bad since you're doing all the work." Taehyung felt guilty as he rubbed the back of his neck with his hand.

"Jimin, say Ahhh." Both the boy's attention went towards the other two boys sitting in front of them.

"Jungkook, move your fucking hand away from my mouth or I'll shove the spoon up your ass." Jimin tried to push Jungkook's hand, which held a spoonful of food.

"Ohhh, kinky."

"Anyway," Hoseok had a disgusted face as he looked away from the lovey-dovey couple and brought his attention back to Taehyung. "It's not. I just got the supplies, we'll work on it later today."

"Alright. Anything else you need?"

"No. I think I got everything."

And just like that, their conversation died down. However, Taehyung still had a lot to say, not related to work, that is. He wants to ask about Yoongi, how far they got into their relationship or if there is anything sketchy about him. He wants to show Hoseok that Yoongi is not a good guy and he wants him to believe him when he says that Yoongi went to the same school as them, but he knew the other would not want to talk about anything that's not related to work.

So they spend the rest of the lunch period with Taehyung and Hoseok being disgusted by the amount of time Jungkook tried flirting and the amount of time Jimin threatened to shove everything up Jungkook's ass.


Just in time, Ms. Raiolo came back with all the supplies Hoseok left back in the morning. The two boys wasted no time before they grabbed onto the supplies and started their first try out, crafting with clay. They both rolled up their uniform sleeves and made sure that it won't come to lose when they were playing with the clay.


Word: 1,000

Jimin is very kinky 👀👀

Vote for that.

S.coups's Wife, Ela.

🔳Daddy's Boy {Jikook}🔲Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora