♣️Cₕₐₚₜₑᵣ ₅₂: ₗᵤₙcₕ ₜᵣₒᵤbₗₑ♣️

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Jungkook stood in line as he waited for the kids in front of him to finish ordering their lunch. From where he was standing, he could clearly see what was for lunch, Green papaya salad, Deluxe Sashimi, and Mixed Fruits. Maybe I'll order some extra Deluxe Sashimi for Jimin. He thought to himself as he smiled.

"Jungkook." He turned around when he heard someone call his name and tap his shoulder.

"Taehyung? Why did you get up? I was getting your lunch."

Taehyung sighs. "Are you going to explain to me why you kissed Jimin this morning?" Taehyung seemed very serious, like he was desperate for the answer

"Taehyung, I told you. I'll tell you while we have our lunch."

"Jungkook, I don't think you understand how serious this situation has gotten. Everyone, even our friends, are talking about it. I couldn't stand sitting there and just listen to them spread rumors. Can you just tell me while we get our lunch."

"Alright. I'll tell you. What do you want to know?"

"Are you seriously asking me that question? It's obvious, why did you kiss Jimin? I thought you weren't gay."

"I'm not- at least I don't think so...?" Jungkook lets out a nervous laugh as he rubs his hand behind his neck.


"I don't know... I never liked a guy, but Jimin... He- he is special to me." Jungkook blushed as he said those words.

"So, you're telling me...?"

"I like Jimin." Jungkook said with confidence as he looked straight at Taehyung. "I found out a while ago, my feelings for him."

"B-but- that doesn't make sense-"

"Taehyung." Jungkook cuts Taehyung. "Are you not comfortable with this?"

"No, that's not it!" Taehyung quickly tries to explain. "I also like-" men. But he couldn't finish that sentence. Why couldn't he? His friend also admitted that he likes boys, well Jimin, but was it because he's been hiding his sexuality from Jungkook all these years? Was he still afraid to come out?

"You also what?"

"N-never mind... I'll- I'll tell you later. But I'm not uncomfortable with you liking Jimin." Taehyung gives Jungkook a small smile "It's just, very sudden and surprising."

"I know, right." Jungkook chuckles. "Never in a million years would I have imagined having feelings for a guy, but here we are."

"So... Are you guys dating now? You kissed him."

"Ummm.... About that." Jungkook lets out another nervous chuckle as he continues rubbing behind his neck, this time looking down and blushing. "We are not. I don't think he has feelings for me."

"But- you, this morning..."

"I kissed him without his consent, I know. I confessed to him a few days ago about my feelings for him but he doesn't like me."

"You're such an idiot."

"I know, but this is the only way I could get him. When he left me for the past two week, I realized that I can't stay away from him for long. And few days ago, I messed up and kissed him out of anger and now I'm in this mess."

"So, what's your plan?"

"I'll just show him how serious I am with my feelings and how much I want him until, maybe, he has feelings for me."

"I don't think that's how it works."

"Do you have any better idea?"


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