♣️chαptєr 16: α вrσkєn rulє♣️

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"Taehyung, You okay?" Jungkook asked his best friend as he noticed the other male was spacing out instead of eating his food.

"Hmm?" Taehyung hummed as he looked up. "yeah, I'm fine." He said before cutting the steak and taking a bite

Jungkook nodded his head before also pulling out the knife and fork to cut out a piece but his eyes constantly scans the big cafeteria. Hoping to find an elf who was not eating any lunch. He frowned a little when he didn't see Jimin. Where is he? He thought in his head as he took another bite.

Taehyung once again spaced-out. He seems to be in deep thought. He slowly turned around, also scanning the cafeteria. His frown deepened darker when he didn't see Hoseok. First he skips class, now lunch? Where the fuck does he go. He hissed in his mind as he stabbed his steak harshly. But then he remembered seeing Jimin with Hoseok this morning. Jungkook must know where they go, right?

"Hey Jungkook." 


"About Jimin... I noticed he hangs out with another guy... Do you know how close they are?" He lied. He knows Hoseok very well but didn't want Jungkook to know that.

Jungkook stop eating his food as he was getting lost in his thoughts. Now that Taehyung brought this up, Jimin has been hanging around with the male often. He even recalled seeing Jimin with that man when Jimin came to college for the first time. He grinds his teeth for some reason, not liking the idea of Jimin going out with someone and getting so close. They even skipped lunch together! He thought in his head as his eyes darkened a little. 

"I don't know and I don't care!" He hissed, which caused Taehyung to flinch a little from the sudden outburst. 

"Whoa whoa whoa. It's just a question. Chill." Taehyung shook his head as they continued eating. 

College soon ended with Jungkook never leaving his thought. Even when he was in class, he couldn't stop thinking about Jimin and the other male. They looked inseparable. Whenever he saw Jimin at College, either at lunch or when they were walking down the school hallway, Jungkook recalls seeing Jimin with the male all the time. 

"Why the fuck am I thinking about this." He mumbled to himself as he got on top of his motorbike. He was about to start the bike but then stop. He looked back at the main entrance of the college. Hoping to see Jimin come out the door soon. "I'm just going to stay here for a while and see when he comes out... Just so Dad doesn't kill me if anything happens to him." He quickly thought of an excuse to himself as he got off the bike and leaned on it. 

5 minutes have turned into 30 minutes. 30 minutes have been turned into an hour, but still no sign of the elf.
"Fuck this shit. He's probably already home. I'm going to kill him for making me wait." His eyes darkened as he quickly got on his bike and started the engine. Zooming through the street at the speed of lightning, he soon reaches his house as he takes off his helmet and harshly placed it on the head of the motorbike.

"Welcome home sir." The maid greeted him as he entered the house. 

"Tell Jimin to come to my room." He ordered as he was about to walk up the stairs but the maid stopped him. 

"But sir, Mr. Park still hasn't come home." She said as fear took over her when Jungkook looked at her with a deadly stare. 

"Where. Is. He?" He growled as the poor lady shivered. 

"I-I don't k-know sir." 

"None of you know how to do your fucking job!" He raised his voice as he stormed up the stairs and into his room before slamming the door. 

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