♠️chαptєr 5: ín α nєєd pt.1♠️

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"Hoseok, slow down!" Jimin said as Hoseok dragged him outside the college.

Hoseok stopped once he felt they were in a safe place and turned around. He ran his hand through his hair and that's out a frustrated sigh. "Jimin..." He looks at Jimin, who was checking his wrist to see if any mark was left there. "Do you know who that was?"

"An asshole?"

"Ohmygod! He is Jeon Jungkook! One of the richest boy in this College! His dad fucking owns the College! One word to his dad and they could kick you out!"

Jimin felt his heart drop. No, this can't be happening. He just got into this college. He needs this! "I-I am pretty sure they can't kick me out for that reason!"

"You don't know Jungkook. He gets whatever he wants."

Jimin stood there. Trying to process what hoseok was saying. But he doesn't understand. He got into the college because of his grades and his cooking skill. The only way they could kick him out is if he fails to impress them with his grade. "Hoseok. You're worrying too much. They can't do anything to me."

"Jimin you don't und-"

"I thank you for worrying, but trust me, he can't do anything. Did you see how scared he was today? Plus I don't want to worry about this." Jimin quickly looked at his watch. "Oh shit! I'm going to be late for work! See you tomorrow!" He quickly smiles and gave Hoseok a hug before turning around and running towards the bus station. He stops in his tracks and turns around to wave at Hoseok one last time before turning around again and running.

Hoseok waved back with a sad smile.
"If only I wish I could see you tomorrow."

Jimin reached his work place on time. He quickly entered the changing room and changed into his work outfit. He worked as a small Chef there. Cooking is something he loved and other people seem to like his cooking as well. His paycheck wasn't much, but he still managed to pay all the bills from his other part-time jobs.

He entered the kitchen and started doing his job. Of course making sure to wash his hands first. There was a big stack of papers that had orders written on it. He picked up the first paper that said Thai rice with spicy chicken. He quickly Smiles before taking out the ingredients and making what people ordered.

*Time skip brought to you by Jimin's height.*

Jimin accepted his paycheck from his manager before rushing out of the store and running towards his second part time job. Same thing. He works at another restaurant, cooking small dishes for the people.

Once he entered the other restaurant, he did the same routine. Blah blah blah!
You got my point.

*Another time skip brought to you by Jimin's plump lips.*

Jimin got out of his shower wearing an oversized black shirt and blue shorts. He was exhausted from running around the whole day but it was better than his other days. He grabs his laptop and sits down on the bed, making whole new routine since his schedule is going to change from tomorrow on. He looked at four of his jobs and then his college time. College stars from 7 a.m to 3 p.m, which mean he has to do his part time jobs after that.

He sighs as he knew what to do. He didn't want to do this but he has to... he has to quit two of his part-time job, so he could go to college. He planned to go to college tomorrow and then go to his other two part time jobs. He also needs to go to the other two part-time jobs that he's going to quit, and tell them that.

He closed his laptop and turned off his night light. He lays down on the bed as worries soon fill his chest.

"If I quit two part-time jobs, that means I won't have enough money to pay the bills of my house and Grandma's Hospital. But I need to go to college. Should I look for a late night shift? No no no. Then I won't be able to concentrate in college. I guess this leaves me no other choice but to borrow loan. That seems to be right. I'll pay back later once I get a stable job."

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