♣️ꀯꍩꁲꉣꋖꈼꌅ 18: ꌚꉣꁲꌅꀗ꒒ꈼꌚ♣️

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"Come in!" Jungkook shouted when he heard someone knock on his door.

Currently he was sitting down on a huge bean bag while he had controllers in his hend and playing some game in the huge screen. He paused his game when he saw Jimin enter the room.

"What do you want?" He tried to sound annoyed.

"Wow. So welcoming." Jimin rolled his eyes as he folded his hand across his chest. "Dinner is ready."

"I am not eating." Jungkook replied before bringing his attention back to the game.

"Jungkook. Come on!" Jimin tried again but was clearly being ignored by Jungkook. "Jungkook!" He shouted as Jungkook pretended he didn't even hear Jimin. "That does it!" Jimin huffed as he stood in front of Jungkook and the screen, trying to block out the view. But still the taller tilted his head to the side to get the view. Jimin then walked towards the TV and pulled out the plug, which earned a huge shout from Jungkook.

"JIMIN!!!" Jungkook yelled as he got up from the comfortable cushion and tried to chase after Jimin, who was laughing as he ran out the door. "I AM GOING TO KILL YOUUUU!" He shouted across the hallway as they ran down the stairs. Jimin made it to the living room first and he entered the kitchen, however Jungkook thought He was in the dining room, so he ran there.

He froze when he entered the dining room. The table was filled with homemade dish. Khao Phat, Gaeng Keow Wan Gai, Tom Yum Goong and his favorite dessert, mango sticky rice! But the food wasn't the only thing that caught his eye.

"Dad..." It almost came out as in whisper.

"Hey son! You're late!" He joked as he took a seat on the chair. "Come sit down. It's been awhile since we had a father-son night." He smiled as he pulls out a chair next to him.

Jungkook still stood on his spot, hard to believe that his father was right in front of him. He can't remember the last time they had dinner together. He walked closer to his father but still didn't take a seat, instead, stood in front of his father. "W-what are you doing here?"

"What else? I'm starving and I want to have a meal with my son."

"But... what about your work? You always have work. Did something happen? Do you want th-"

"Jungkook, Son." His father smiled sadly at him as he grabbed Jungkook's hand and made him sit down on the chair. "I- I am sorry." He apologized as tears were forming in his eyes.

Jungkook set there in confusion and waited for his father to continue. "I am so sorry for always leaving you alone to eat. I get so focused into my work that I totally forgot about the old days. When you, your mother, and I would sit here, in this dinner table and eat together. I wanted to work and make money so you could have everything... but someone told me that you're missing the most important thing. Time and attention."

Mr.Jeon tried to hold back his tears but looking into his son's eyes, he could tell the pain Jungkook went through... and that made him burst into tears. "I'm really sorry son. I should have been there with you to have dinner. After your mother left, I am your only family... but I failed my job."

"Hey dad, don't say that please." Jungkook's eyes were on the edge of crying. In fact he hated his father for always leaving him alone, but he still loves his father. "I don't like it when you leave me alone... but work is important, right?"

"No son. You are more important. I've been working so you could get the money and the support you need. But I totally forgot that you need a father's love more."

Jungkook finally lets out a tear. All these years, he has been misunderstanding  his father. He thought his dad only one overworked because work was important... more important than him, but now, he realized his father has been working his Blood Sweat and Tears just for him. "Dad. I- I" Jungkook was running out of words as he felt his dad pull him into a hug.

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