"Well, I still think we should get something," Grey suggested.

"Later, right now, let's go to the garden," Ahri grabbed Grey's arm and immediately began pulling him.

Solas followed the because he wanted to check on Storm in the snow. Brite looked at Tiara, and she just shrugged her shoulders, showing that she had nothing better to do so they followed them.

When they reached the garden, the usual green scenery was now white as it was all covered in snow. Tiny snow flakes would drop from the garden's open ceiling.

"Ah, I love the snow!" Ahri sighed happily, not bothered by the cold weather as she took a deep breath.

"Finally, something we agree on," Tiara commented as she walked to a pile of snow, turned around, and fell backwards until she landed on it.

"Wait, really?" Ahri couldn't stop her surprise from showing.

"Yup. The Boreal Valley always had snow falling in it. It feels just like home," the Dancer replied before looking at Ahri with a raised eyebrow from her spot on the ground. "And what about you? Why do you like it?"

"I was raised in a pack of ice foxes," Ahri answered with a shrug. "We traveled in the snow a lot, and I guess it grew on me."

Grey let Silver down and the pup immediately began jumping around in the snow. Solas went to find his dragon, which he did.

Storm was sitting on the side of the garden near one of the walls. It was laying down, taking deep breaths and letting out a large puff of steam every few seconds.

"I hope the cold isn't bothering you, old friend," Solas said as he rubbed the head of the dragon.

Storm groaned and slightly moved his wings, showing that he was using his thick feathers to cover himself from the cold.

"I suppose you'll be spending your time sleeping until it gets warmer?" the Dragon nodded at Solas' question. "Very well. I'll check on you when I can."

Meanwhile, Ahri was walking around, spinning in her place to look at all the falling snow. Grey was following her with a smile at her enthusiasm.

Ahri then saw a big pile of snow, she took a couple of step backs while Grey looked at her curiously. He was absolutely surprised when Ahri skipped a few times to towards the pile before suddenly jumping and diving head first into it.

Ahri used her feet to pull her upper body out, which was buried in the snow. When she came out, she had some snow on her head between her ears.

Ahri chuckled as she shook the snow off her head. "Ah, I missed this so much," she said before looking at Grey. "What about you? Did you have any celebrations in your world?"

The Abyss Watcher shook his head. "No, not really. The only anniversary we had in our entire world is the time for fire linking, and no one actually celebrated that," he answered.

"That sounds boring," Ahri commented. She then got a mischievous smile. "Hey, Grey, did you ever have a snowball fight?" her lover shook his head. She grabbed some snow, and started making a ball. "Well, first, you make a ball of snow like this, then you throw it... Like this!"

The Nine Tailed Vastayan suddenly threw her snowball at the Abyss Watcher, but he easily dodged it, having already seen through her plan.

"I kind of figured after you said 'fight' and started making a ball," Grey confessed as Ahri gave him a deadpan glare, angry that her little plan didn't work.

However, suddenly, Grey was hit by a snowball in the back of the head. "That's for throwing that snowball at me!" Tiara cried out from behind him.

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