CH55: Cultists

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All the Ionian champions in the room were staring at Grey shocked. They can barely keep up with what was happening. First, their goddess shows up, then she offers the Abyss Watcher a chance to Godhood, but then he turns it down almost instantly.

Amaterasu, however, seemed amused. "No?" she asked, though it sounded like she was expecting it.

"Yes, no," Grey confirmed his previous reply before turning around. "If this is all you came here to ask me, then I'm leaving."

"I'm afraid I don't understand," Karma was one of the first to get over her shock. "Why would you refuse?" she asked Grey, wanting to know why would anyone turn down the position of being a deity.

The Abyss Watcher answered her question with another one. "Why WOULD I want to be a God?" he asked causing even more confusion. "Being a God means that I'll have religious idiots doing nonsense to get my attention. I already have that thanks to being famous from the Institute," he explained.

"So, you're just worried about religious nuts?" the woman beside Zed asked, sounding as if she just heard the stupidest thing in the world. She didn't think it would be enough to give up Godhood.

"That's not just it," Grey finally stopped, turning back to face everyone. "Simply put, I don't respect gods, of any kind," he revealed, shocking them.

Amaterasu didn't look shocked, but curious. "Oh, you don't respect us, and why is that?" she asked. Grey seemed like the respectable kind and didn't seem like someone to hate someone without a reason.

Grey's look, while looking stoic, managed to make the Ionian champions feel cold to the bones. "Because you gods use the excuse of divinity to abandon us mortals the first chance you get," he said.

To everyone's surprise, Tiara, who was silent until now, barked a laugh. "Ha! He described you gods perfectly," she taunted.

However, she wasn't the only one laughing, as apparently, the scythe that the young man beside Zed was holding started laughing, slightly confusing Grey and Tiara that it can speak. Ahri wasn't surprised since she already guessed it was a Darkin. "HAHAHA! I like this guy, Kayn," the scythe said to the young man. The scythe can actually remember Aatrox saying something similar when the Darkin turned on the world.

Amaterasu ignored Tiara's taunts and the Darkin's laughing while she kept looking at Grey. "We have not abandoned mortals. It is mortals that-"

"That what? Killed? Cheated? Raped?" Grey asked, and Amaterasu's silence was proof that he guessed correctly. "You blame the mistakes of a few on everyone. We mortals aren't born smart. We have to learn everything," he started walking towards Amaterasu. "And you, gods, sit in the heaven expecting the impossible out of us," he stopped when he was looking at Amaterasu in the eyes. "So let me ask you, what do you see us mortals as?"

Amaterasu's eyes turned to a glare. "Simply put, mortals are vile creatures," she responded, insulting the Ionian champions around.

Surprisingly, Xayah took this as a chance to speak. "Ha! I always knew humans were filth!" she gloated, thinking that the Ionian gods were backing up her philosophy.

However, that was proved wrong when Susano immediately said, "That includes the Vastaya, too," causing Xayah to immediately go back into a shocked state.

Amaterasu and Grey kept their staredown. "Now, what do YOU think of mortals?" the sun goddess asked, wanting to see what Grey was getting to.

The Abyss Watcher stayed silent for a few seconds before speaking again. "Did you know: in our world, it is common knowledge that humans come from the Dark," he started.

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