Part 37 im sorry

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I am just going to say, you guys might not like this part.....😌

Time skip—
Another month has passed. Christmas is next week. And the New year ball is in two. And things have changed. Cole has been a little distant lately. He has been spending less time with lili and more time with tatum.

Buttt for lili to distract herself, she has been hanging out with the one and only red headed cheater. Let's just say they have shared a few kisses.

Lili feels guilt, but kissing Archie feels like revenge on Cole. Even though he has no clue what has been going on behind closed doors. Lili feels better.

Kissing Archie is still very risky though. If they were too be caught by absolutely anyone, they would have severe consequences possibly a death penalty. She has been wanting to pull away from Archie but can't find it in herself to do so.

The less and less Cole speaks to her the more she is tempted for her secret revenge...

Lili has also been speaking with her family a lot lately
Lilis POV
I want to cry. I want to leave. I can't be here anymore!

Here I am alone in the garden, on the verge of tears. How could he do that to me.

I brought my head into my knees as I let a few tears fall. Why me? Why was I even chosen for this silly selection.

As the only sound in the garden was the trickling water from the fountain, and my sobs of heart break.

I sat there for about ten minutes before picking up my notebook beside me, preparing to write him yet another letter.

I'm, sorry if I didn't please you.
I'm sorry for not being loyal.
I'm sorry that I hurt you.
I'm sorry for ever yelling at you.
I'm sorry I didn't cherish the moments we had.
I'm sorry for being me.
I'm sorry if you think I'm annoying.
I'm so sorry for falling in love.

I couldn't help it. Why am I like this. I just a hopeless romantic that can't do it.

Flashback 1 hour prior.

As I flipped the pages of the book I had just started, I had heard familiar voices in the distance. I stopped reading, to focus and figure out who it was. "where are we even going" I heard a female voice giggle. "It's a surprise dear, you're going to love it." A male voice said.
In curiosity I got up stood against the door to hear better. "Cole you're scaring me!" I heard.

My heart dropped. Tatum and Cole. She called him Cole too now. "Trust me, trust love" his sweet voice said in a dreamy voice. Love? As there voices became more distant I exited the library and followed.

If I were to be caught where they were going I planned to say I was meeting mads and cami here. I knew they would also say that if questioned.

I followed until I could here there voices again. "Oh my gosh this is so amazing. How did you do this!" He surprised her. Early Christmas gift? "I have my ways" his voice said. "I love it!" She exclaimed. "And I love you" his voice said. My heart sunk even lower. He loves her. He loves her! I wanted to run but I needed to hear her response. "I love you too" she said.

That's all it took for me to leave. I wasn't crying yet, but my throat was starting to hurt from holding them in

End of flashback

I went back to my room. It's close to midnight. No one would be out so I didn't bother wiping my tears. I got inside and went straight to my room. I told my maids I could get ready for bed myself early today. So thankfully they weren't here.

I sat on my bed and cried. I cried the whole night. It felt as if I barely slept. I was numb. I can't remember a night in the past month where I haven't cried. I'm numb. It feels like there's nothing left in me.

And even though I hate to admit it, I love him. After all these tears I love him. I love him more than I do myself. I remember his words at breakfast. "Goodbye darling" I try to remember the last time he's told me he loved me. Thursday. It's been 5 days.

I felt more tears slip down my face. Is being in this competition even worth it? Is it worth the pain. Realization hit me.

How would I ever cope with the pain of attending his and tatums wedding. Watching them on tv for the rest of my life, in heartbreak.

I need to win him back. I smiled knowing I told my maids to make something gorgeous for the New Year ball, and show a little cleavage. Something to put him in his place, and just what he has been missing out on.

That night I fell asleep, praying to god things would get better.

If only Romeo knew he was holding the wrong heart...


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