Part 24 the royal ball

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This was not proof read, so sorry for any mistakes!

Lilis pov
I headed out of the room, scared but also excited! As I got to the ballroom, I saw the beautiful set up. I just stood there in amazement. It's looks amazing! I then started walking down the stairs that led to the ballroom. I saw mads and cami smiling at the bottom of the stairs, I smiled at them. They look amazing! As I got to the bottom of the stairs we said hi and complimented each other's looks.

As a few more minutes passed all of the girls had arrived. Everyone looked gorgeous! "They royal family has arrived!" We heard on the speakers. We all gathered round the entrance leaving a line through the middle where they could walk. As they entered every one started cheering, and bowing/ curtsying. I caught a glimpse of them and god Cole looked amazing!

He had a white tux on, and looked hot! Not just handsome, hot! I then saw Oakley, she looked beautiful! Her blonde hair was pulled back into a low bun, and she had strands of hair pulled out and curled, she then had a black dress on which fit perfectly with her personality! They all looked amazing!

As the crowd calmed down, I went to the a table with snacks and tried some snack with mads and cami, they were so good! I looked around the room to see what the other girls were doing, some were dancing with the guards who were invited, and then I saw cole dancing with brooklin. It hurt me a little bit, but he had to dance with all of the selected girls by the end of the night, so I knew I would have my turn.

"Someones jealous" madelaine said as cami elbowed her. "Ow!" I looked over at them and giggled "lils don't be sad you'll have your turn" cami said feeling bad as I smiled.  And just as I was about to put the next snack in my mouth I felt a tap on my shoulder..........

I turned around and saw a guard holding his hand out. "may I" he said smiling, I smiled nodded and took his hand, but not before turning around and smiling at the girls he took me out to the dance floor and we started dancing. "You know the prince really likes you" he said starting conversation. I blushed and looked down, "how would you know"

I asked confused. "Everyone except for you and him can see it, it's quite funny" he said chuckling. "Really" I asked surprised he nodded "when we have off days, the guards and maids usually get together down town for a party at someone's house, we talk about how our week went, and I have been hearing many girls have been asking there maids to make dresses like yours, do there hair like yours, even try to find the perfume scent you wear! Lady Lili your the first girl in years cole has ever been like this with!"

He said happily as I blushed more than I could have thought. "Like what? You said he's ever been like this with, like what?" I asked a little confused still trying to process everything he said. "He has never been so passionate, or caring, or hasn't ever looked at someone the way he does you" he said smiling as I smiled. "Well I have to go find another girl. I have to have danced with 9 people by the end of the night, any suggestions?" He said as we made our way off the dance floor.

"You should dance with, Vanessa for sure, brooklin, and Kiley for sure!" I said before we went our ways and I found my way back to cami and mads. "How was your dance" mads asked smiling. "Very great" I said as they smiled. "Have you guys dance with anyone yet" I asked curious, they both nodded, "we both danced with cole while you were with that guy" cami said.

My heart hurt a little "good for you guys" I said smiling. "Oh come on, don't worry we're not into him" madelaine said making me smile and nod. "Have you tried anymore snacks that you think I would like?" I asked as they nodded and brought me to the table where the snack was.

At that snack table we met up with joycelin and tatum, who were both so beautiful! "Oh my gosh you guys look stunning" I said as they both smiled "thank you so much, you look amazing too!" Joycelin said making me smile. "Have you guys danced with prince cole yet! He looks so hot, and smells even hotter!" We heard a voice say behind us. We turned around. Rachel and her "minions" madi and addison.

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