Part 34 please

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Not proof read😌🐸
Lili's POV
I woke up, expecting it to be morning time and me laying in my room. But I'm in this place that looks like a hospital! Did the palace have a hospital. I was then greeted by a nurse entering the room.

"Lili! You're awake! Are you okay?" She asked smiling. "What happened? Why am I here?" I asked confused. "You fell out of a tree while hiding from the rebels and cut your leg pretty bad. Do you remember?" She said as all these memories came flooding back.

"Oh my gosh!" I said in shock. "Is everyone okay!" I asked worried. "Everyones fine. You were the only one who got hurt in the attack" she reassured me. "They aren't too worried are they" I asked.  "No, no. They have came to check on you many times actually. You even talked to them when you were in anesthesia!" She said.

"How long have I been out?" I said confused. "About 36 hours" she said. I gasped.

"Would you mind go getting the prince? I need to talk to him" I asked hoping she would agree. "I'm sorry lili unfortunately it's the middle of the night, everyone is asleep" she said

I got even more confused. It's the middle of the night? "Oh......okay. What time to be exact?" I asked hoping it was closer to my morning than it was midnight. "It is 3:45 in the morning" she said looking behind her at the clock. I nodded in thought. "Are you tired at all? Do you think you could go back to bed?" She asked

"Um I don't think I can. It feels like i slept in actually. I'm sorry" I apologized. She smiled. "No worries! The chef wake up in about 15 minutes I start preparing breakfast! I can have them make you something." She smiled. I smiled I'm excitement. "Okay thank you so much!" I said as she nodded before leaving to tell some guards about the situation.

Another half hour passed before I was brought breakfast. "Thank you so much!" I said as she set it on the side table. "no problem. After you eat, you're welcome to go back to your room. I just don't know if you'll be able to walk, and we also have to keep your IV connected for a little longer, but it's transportable" she explained. I nodded. "Do you think I can take my breakfast to my room by chance? And like settle there" I asked

"Yes of course, let me just grab some nurses to help you there" she smiled, as did I. Soon she came back with about 4 nurses.

"Can you sit up at all, or do you need assistance" she asked sweetly. I tried to get up a little bit. It hurt, but I could still do it. I then sat all the way up and moved my feet to the side with my hand.

Two nurses came in front of me as they were going to help me stand up. "Okay ready?" She asked as I nodded. I stood up on my left foot, then slowly placed my right down. I didn't hurt as bad as I'd thought it would.

I tried to take a step forward with my left foot, and my right leg hurt a little more. I winced but kept taking slow steps. Another nurse was pushing my IV behind us, while another was pushing my breakfast on this rolling tray.

I kept taking slow steps before the pain became too much. "I can't, I can't walk anymore, it hurts. I whimpered, almost crying. We weren't even halfway there. "Okay honey, it'll be okay, I'm going to go get a guard to carry you is that okay, or do you want a wheel chair. "Please just get something fast" I cried in pain.

I looked around, we were still on the first floor. By the women's room. Our bedrooms are on the second floor. Soon a guard came back with the nurses. He picked me up bridal style, and they started walking towards the stairs.

"BEEEP BEEEP BEEEP BEEEP" the rebel alarm! Oh nooooo!!!!!!! We were on attack! I couldn't have the girls see me. The guard ran into the woman's room where there was probably a secret passage way to a safe room.

Coles POV
I woke up to the blaring rebel alarm. Fear came across me as I entered the secret door. I just hoped the girls are okay. Even rachel! I don't what changed in me, I just really appreciate them.

I got into the safe room, half of the girls were already there, and more were arriving. I hope lili is okay. But I am not that worried, the hospital wing of the palace is probably the safest place to be. Probably even safer than this safe room!

Soon all the girl's arrived. My dad went to go lock the door when someone was banging on it. Me and my dad were closest to the door so we could here the voice "please, please I have...." the voice zoned out. But we could still here cries. "No, no, no come back, come back! You're okay! Please" the voice cried. Me and my dad shared a confused look as we kept listening. "Please let us in he needs help!" The voice sounded. It was a women's voice. I didn't know what to do. What if it was the rebels! This has happened before when they dressed up as guards then attacked, or got into a safe room and attacked. "no, no! Noooo, stay with me." The voice cried, I needed to open it. "I'm gonna go get us help" I heard the voice say whimpering.

"Ow" we heard as the voice got quieter. "You stupid fucking leg just work!" I heard the voice cry.

It sounded like lilis voice! What if it was lili out there! I needed to save her! Her leg was hurt! "Dad that's lili!" I said concerned. He gave me a look saying you know we can't let anyone in. "She's hurt, no we have to get her" I raised my voice causing some girls to look over where we're at.

"Okay girls, let's go over to the beds" Ashley said so the girls wouldn't see us. "Son do not make a scene. We are not opening the door. If you want to go out, that's your risk, but we will not open it when you are begging to come back in" he raised his voice at me. "Dad it's lili!" I said angry that he didn't want to save her.

He sighed, still angry but no as much. "And what if it's not! What if it's a trap and we're about to be attacked! Who does that make us!" He raised his voice, more explaining than angry. I was raging. "Fine then don't let me back in!" I said before opening the door.

As I opened it I saw a body lying on the floor. Blood everywhere. Dead. I then looked up and saw another body lying on the stairs. I couldn't see that well, as our only light was torches on the sides of the walls. I ran up the stairs to the body.

It was a girl. I picked her up and brought her too the light. Lili! Lilis here! Lili needed my help, and I was too gosh damn late! As she laid there passed out in my arms I sunk to the floor.

She was begging for my help, and I was just there listening to her. She watched the guard die! She was even trying to save him. I couldn't help it. I broke down, trying to be as quiet as possible.

As she sat there in my arms passed out, i let it out. All that I've been holding in. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I love you so much, you'll be okay" I cried into her hair. "Please lili, please wake up" I begged as I stroked her hair.

I kissed her forehead as I shed a few more tears. I pulled her into a position where she was straddling me and I laid her head on my chest. "I love you so much lili, please be okay, please" I cried once more before giving up and falling asleep with her head on my chest.

Romeo and Juliet together again at last

(I'm going to put that every time a chapter ends with them in eachothers arms😭)

Thanks for reading this part! Please vote🥰🥰🥰 ly guysss! And I also like rly like this part. I always want a romance like this. But I WILL NOT date people. I just can't🥲 it's almost sad I lose feelings wayyyy too fast! haha byeee🤍

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