Part 43 chosen

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3rd POV
Everyone slept in the next morning, either with a hangover, or the fact that they partied all night. Lili woke up around 10:30- 11 ish and Cole woke up around 10. Breakfast was served to their rooms, and they ate as soon as they woke up.

A few minutes after lili woke up, she went to the bathroom and took a shower by herself. Just thinking about the last few days. She was so in love. She hoped he would choose her. She never wanted to be with anyone else. But she also couldn't bare the thought of him marrying tatum. A rebel. What if she hurt him!

All these thoughts ran through her head as she realized she'd been in the shower for quite a while. She turned off the shower and walked out going to find a towel. She wrapped the towel around herself and put a towel in her hair, then soon after put some new pajamas on.

Cole woke up, and also got in the shower. Just for a quick rinse. He finished, then ate his breakfast that sat beside his bed. He didn't really plan on doing anything today. Well except for telling his parents he has made his decision. The decision of who'll be the next queen. He of course wasn't going to say who. It's a surprise for everyone when he proposes.

He changed into a black button up shirt and some navy blue suit pants, then walked to his parents room to see if they were awake yet. ( the queen had her own room but almost always slept in the kings bed)

He got there and asked the guard if they'd awaken yet. He nodded before knocking on the door and opening it letting them know someone was entering. Cole walked in and saw his mom and dad on the bed eating breakfast. "Sweetheart hi! Good morning!" His mother said cheerfully.

"Morning" Cole said to the both of them. "What brings you here?" His father asked. "Well I just wanted to let you know I have my decision. I will be letting her know on Wednesday and then I will propose on Friday" Cole explained. They both gasped and looked at eachother in excitement. "Son we are so proud of you" his father said making him smile "awe honey come here" his mother said holding out her hands.

Cole walked over to his mother as she grabbed his face and kissed his cheek. "oh my little boy is all grown up" she said in a baby voice making Cole chuckle.

"Well I should probably get going, I need to do some things" Cole said, before leaving and heading back to his room. The whole day was a lazy day for the palace. Lili pretty much stayed in her room all day just hanging out. She read all the letters she had written to him, and read one of the books from her new bookshelf. She did go to the garden for a little bit, just to relax.

And Cole, he thought of ways to propose in a special way. A way that she would never forget and always remember.

Time skip to Wednesday
Cole took a sigh as he knocked on Lilis door. "Come in" he heard. He opened the door and entered to see Lili reading a book on her bed. She smiled as she saw him walk in.

Cole smiled too as he sat on her bed. "Hey lils" he said trying to be normal. She saw right through it. "Cole are you okay" she asked. He looked at her smiled as he moved closer to her, now sitting next to her.

"I'm totally fine I'm just nervous" he reassured. "Nervous for what?" Lili asked still a little concerned. He sighed. "Okay Lili so I came here to tell you,     I have chosen you. You're the one. I just have to hear you say yes-" Cole explained before lili interrupted him with a kiss.

"Oh my gosh! You actually chose me!" Lili squealed as she hugged him as tight as she could. It made Cole smile at how happy she was. He hugged her back. "So you do want to marry me?" Cole asked making sure. "Yes Cole! I love you so much!" Lili exclaimed as she laid her head on his shoulder.

"Okay so as of your family, they have chosen to live near the palace not in it" Cole said. Lili nodded. "Wait they knew?" She asked confused. "I told your mother at the new year ball" he said. She smiled.

"Also i am announcing the winner on the report on Friday. I just thought I'd let you know before hand" he said smiling. I nodded. As I snuggled my head into his chest. "Do your parents know?" I asked muffled by his chest. "Yes I told them I've chosen but not who, it's a surprise for everyone" he explained.

We cuddled together for the next thirty minutes until Cole had to be somewhere. So he left the room, I also left my room to go to Rachel's, but bumped into Archie instead. "Oh arch, hi." I said in a good mood. "Hey lils how are you" he said smiling.

"Oh my god arch, he proposed!" I squealed in excitement. I could see a little disappointment on his face, but it was quickly covered by a smile. "Good for you I'm so happy for you!" He said.

"Awe arch don't be sad! You'll find someone! I said pulling him into a hug. He hugged back......

Okay so I have to end this part here. I won't be updating tomorrow. So MERRY CHRISTMAS in advance!!!!! Ily guys so much!❤️ also story is coming to the end, the is probably less than 15 parts left......

the royal selectionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora