Part 26 new guard

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Lili's pov
I woke up feeling more comfortable then usual. I felt someone playing with my hair. Cole. I kept my eyes close as I never wanted this moment to end. I still can't believe he kissed rachel! How long was this going on. Oh my god! I told Cole I love him! I mean of course I love him, but I actually told him!

I then figured it was time to open my eyes. "good morning sleepy" he said in a tired voice. I smiled "morning" I said as I sat up and layed to where I could look at him. "Aren't we supposed to be at breakfast" I said a little worried.

"It's a Sunday" he smiled. I blushed feeling stupid and nodded. "what time is it" I asked him. "It's 9:30 exactly" he said as he looked at my clock in my nightstand. I nodded. "How long have you been up" I asked. "So many questions!" He chuckled. As I blushed in embarrassment. "I have been up since 8:30" he said.

"An hour! Why didn't you wake me up" I said surprised. "You looked tired, you needed sleep, and you looked really cute" he said in a cute voice at the last part. "Where are my maids" I asked a little confused. "They came in and brought breakfast, then left us to be alone" he said smiling. I nodded.

We ate breakfast and talked some more. But soon enough it came to an end when my maids came in and said Cole needed to be somewhere. As sad as I was that he had to leave, I was happy to have some time to myself to think everything over. I actually told him I love him!

The day went by pretty quick! We had a history lesson, then me and mads hung out in her room and in the women's room for the rest of the day.  Soon enough the day came to an end and I went to bed, feeling a little lonely from the night before.

I woke up the next morning really tired. I got ready for the day, almost falling asleep. Eventually I was ready and went to breakfast. Breakfast was fine, fortunately no one knew that I was with Cole the previous morning, which is good, but I couldn't help but notice rachel said nothing about there kiss. It confused me, did this mean they have kissed before and she hasn't told anyone?

As confused as I was I dropped it and carried in with my breakfast and talking to mads and cami about god knows what. After breakfast we all went to the women's room, and hung out. Surprisingly the queen was there too, and was talking to us. Maybe now she would start coming around since they're only eight girls left. We talked to her about our families and why we are here, and I could tell you she was more than shocked to hear I didn't want to be here.

But also happy to hear that I'm glad my mother pushed me into it. She said she would like to meet our mothers some time, and have a party with our families. Lunch time soon came around, which meant we couldn't talk to the queen for any longer. I am not that mad though considering it was getting personal and I didn't want to tell them I don't have a dad. She might have already known as I was telling her about my mother but didn't mention anything about a father, but hopefully she just thought I liked my mom more?

After lunch I went back to my room, and just relaxed. I am really tired lately. It hasn't really been like this the past few weeks! So I just sat on my bed, reading magazines about, people's opinions on the selection. I wasn't surprised to see Rachel, cami, and tatum in the top three favorites of the people. I was in fifth place, which wasn't bad but also a little bad as there are only eight of us.

As I read more it made me a little sad seeing the things people were saying about me. "She is just a five who wants money." "She has no proper etiquette" "lili Reinhart as queen? Our country will fail" "prince cole dancing with lili Reinhart? She probably bribed him with gifts". Like seriously! Why? I didn't understand why people thought this!

But it also made me happy to see people saying "lili Reinhart would be the perfect queen" "Lady lili reminds us of the queen in the selection" "The prince really likes her!" "Lady lili has the prettiest eyes" As sad as the negative comments made me I tried to focus more on the positive ones.

"Lili honey, you have a last minute party on Wednesday!" Lucy said coming into my room. I was confused. Party? "What party" I asked. "It is lady tatums birthday on Wednesday, and we are throwing her a party! She is actually in the room right next to you" Anne said as they came and sat at the end of my bed.

I nodded "have you guys started the dress yet?" I asked curiously. They nodded "yes it's yellow I think you're really going to like it!" Mary exclaimed as I smiled. "Perfect! Does tatum know about the party" I asked and they nodded. I nodded. "You have about ten minutes till it's time for dinner would you like us to touch up your hair or makeup or anything?"

Anne said happily. "Sure, just do whatever you think needs to be fixed" I said as I sat down in the chair where they did my hair and makeup. They touched up a few things before sending me to dinner.

As I got to dinner I was the last one there before the royal family. So as I got there the royal family also entered, so I curtsied at the entrance then made my way to my chair. Thankfully cami saved me a seat so I didn't have to sit somewhere where I didn't want to.

We talked about our day and how we liked talking to the queen.  Before I saw something I never thought I'd ever see. I froze. It was Archie. Archie was now a guard. He was looking at me. He smiled. Oh my god! I just sat there staring at him, not being able to believe that he was a guard.

Just seeing him gave me major anxiety! I take pills for my anxiety every morning, but I feel like this mornings has worn off. He was still looking at me. His orange hair sticking out at the bottom where his hat wasn't covering. I just sat there and stared at him. "Lili!" Madelaine yelled causing the girls at the near by tables to look at us. I looked at her.

"What's wrong" cami asked worried. I just shook my head no and smiled. They gave me a look of concern, but didn't want to push me to tell them so they just kept talking. And I just sat there staring at my plate for the rest of the dinner. I could feel people staring at me, but I didn't care to look at them.

Soon enough dinner was dismissed. And I was walking back to my room.  When I felt a hand on my shoulder. I had a feeling it was Archie so I just kept walking. Faster. They were still following me. "Stop following me. I don't want to talk to you" I said as I turned the corner to my room and I felt them stop following me.

As I got back to my room, I shut my door. And went out to my balcony. Why was he here. Why did he smile at me! I felt tears come to my eyes as I remembered the day he told me he has been cheating. I quickly wiped them off and went into my room where my maids got me ready for bed, and I went straight to bed wishing this whole thing would be over.

Not proof read! Sorry I haven't posted in forever! Love you guys🥰

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