Part 25 the competition

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Time skip 2 weeks:
It's two weeks since the ball, not much has happened besides the elimination that has taken place, 10 girls have been eliminated, which leaves 8 girls left. The elite. These girls are known as the elite now, not just the selected, fortunately cami mads and lili are in elite, they are still close friends, But the other competitors have gotten a lot more competitive. Especially rachel....

Lilis POV
We were just dismissed from dinner and I am right now in my room grabbing my book that I am about to finish in the garden. I need to get Cole of my mind. Things aren't the same as they were two weeks ago. More girls are getting competitive over him, and he is into more of the girls, not just me.

The only girl I am aware that he likes like a lot is tatum. I mean I don't blame him, she is gorgeous, but it really hurts me seeing him be with and even kiss other girls. Yes I mean kiss, tatum has told just about everyone about they're special kiss they had the other night.

So I just left my room heading down the hall to the garden. My book in my hands, with about 32 pages left. I haven't been reading it that much, because I don't want to finish it, but I really want to read it. "prince cole you are just the best" I heard a distant voice say down the hall way.

I kept walking trying to ignore it, when the voices got louder as I walked down the hallway. Soon as I got at the end of the hallway the voices were clear, but I didn't know where they were coming from. And I really didn't want to see Cole kissing ANOTHER girl tonight.

I walked down the stair where they garden door were down the hall way when I saw him. Him kissing another girl, if not making out. His shirt was half unbuttoned, while the girl had her fingers in his hair, and was kissing him.

I froze. I couldn't move. He was making out with rachel. The only girl that I hate in this competition. The girl who has ruined almost everyone's lives here. The girl that doesn't want him, but his crown. I just stood there as I saw him smile as they kissed. Her sleeve fell off her shoulder and he left it. Not even bothering to put it back. As she moved her head to go to his neck, I could see his face. He was happy.

Happy that a girl that wasn't me or tatum, but rachel, was making out with him. I finally couldn't handle it. I felt tears stream down my face as I started to speed walk down my room. I don't care anymore, and he obviously doesn't either. I am leaving this doll house once and for all! I could feel my throat start hurting as I was trying to hold in my sobs.

How had I not seen it. How had i ever believed that he only liked me, he would choose ME! As I got to my room I shut the door. And I couldn't hold it in anymore. I just cried. I went out and sat on the balcony floor, so I wouldn't wake up the other girls. The walls were pretty thin. Too thin. I cried and cried and cried until I couldn't anymore and fell asleep on the floor outside.

3rd POV
As lili was running away cole looked over and saw a blonde which at the time he didn't know who it was nor did he care so he carried on on his careless activities. Not caring about anyone, not even rachel, just enjoying the attention he was getting right in that moment. Soon enough they called it a night. And went there separate ways, but after rachel left a guard kept cole back and had told him what lili had saw, and how she reacted.

He knew at that moment, he ruined it, he ruined everything, everything they had, everything he had told her he completely went against. But a little part of him was mad. Mad that she got mad that she wasn't the only girl he liked. Mad that she didn't like sharing. Mad that she didn't understand there were other girls in this competition which he had to show attention to as well. He realized he was really mad. But also that he had to go check on her to see how sad she really was.

As he got to her room he put his ear to the door and heard little cries. His heart dropped. She was crying. Actually crying. He did this to her! And it wasn't an accident this time, he did this on purpose! He felt his eyes get watery. How could he do this to her. Who was he? To do this to the only girl in the competition he actually loved, yes loved. He couldn't handle the pain, he opened the door to her room.

At first he couldn't find her. Maybe she wasn't in here? But he heard her crying! He then started to look all over the room for her. In the closet, in the bathroom, under the bed. It then clicked. She was on the balcony. He went to the balcony and opened the door to see her lying on the floor, asleep. His heart hurt more then ever, her cheeks were still red and wet from all the tears, she cried herself to sleep, because of him. You did this to her is all went through his mind.

He felt as tears of guilt streamed down his face. All he wanted was to comfort her, to turn back time and never kiss rachel. As he bent down to the ground and picked her up, and brought her to her bed. He layed her down and out the blanket over her. He sat next to her and cried. Not nearly as much as she did, but enough to say he was hurt.

"I'm so sorry, you don't deserve me" he cried as his thumb stroked her cheek. "You deserve so much more than I could ever give you" he talked to her as she was sound asleep. "I was supposed to tell you I loved you in the garden" he said "I bashed out because I knew you didn't love me half as much as I love you" he cried as he played with her hair.

"From the moment I saw you at the ball I knew I loved you. But I know I can't have you, your too good for me, your too good for this world" he said as he started getting tired. He then fell asleep right then and there next to her. As he laid down he brought her closer to her. She snuggled into his chest. "I'm sorry" he heard her little voice say.

"you were awake!" He said shocked. "you're a very loud crier" she said giggling. "I love you too" she added which made his heart melt. "y-you do" he said even more shocked. "mhmm, but please never ever let me experience what I did tonight again, except for how you talked to me, you're very soft. And I still don't forgive you, I'm still mad at you, but still stay here" lili said before drifting off to sleep.

His heart had melted. He was in shock, that she had even told him she loved him! He stroked her cheek with his thumb as she slept in his embrace. He knew he was supposed to go back to his room, but he couldn't get up, he had already fallen half asleep the kind where your conscious but you're too tired to wake up. Soon enough, he fell asleep.

Romeo and Juliet together again at last...

Thanks for reading this part! Also don't be too happy, cole is still into tatum, not love, but likes her. I am so excited because I was just added to this group on Snapchat for riverdale lovers! But I'm scared to text to much bc they will get an annoying impression of me🤷🏼‍♀️😬

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