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Ok so pls be ready. It only goes downhill from here.... sry.

Lilis POV
Archie hugged me and I hugged back. "I missed this." I said muffled by his chest.

The moment was immediately interrupted by a cough. A loud cough.

We both jumped and looked over. Cole. Cole was just sitting there staring at us with a blank expression.

"Cole I promise it's not what it looks like" I started he just glared at me making me shut up. My heart was beating out of my chest in fear. "What's your name?" He asked in Archies face in a very low angry voice. "Archie. Archie andrews" Archie said nervously.

"Archie. You're done. You're leaving. I never want to see that disgusting face of yours ever again. Ever! Leave!" Cole said raising his voice I just stood there in fear as he then looked over at me coldly as Archie hurried away, but not before saying. "Do not hurt her" in fear of the way Cole looked at me. "Get the hell out of here before I tell a guard what I saw" Cole growled lowly.

I felt a tear slip down my face as he looked back at me angrily. But not as mad as he was at Archie. I didn't think he would hurt me, would he?

He didn't say anything. He just stared at me for a few seconds before grabbing my arm making me flinch, and pulling me inside my room then shutting the door quietly and walked pushing me against it making me gasp in fear. He gripped my arm harder. It hurt a little bit but I was too scared to say anything.

"How could you do that to me?" He asked, not a slight but of anger in his voice. Genuine sadness. but quickly changed back to a cold tone. "Forget it. I am marrying tatum. I will let her know later today. I am sending you home on Friday, don't bother giving back the house I bought for your family, you can live there it's already paid for. I will send you home with a fortune, to never hear from you again. Go live with the red head you've been sneaking around with. I loved you. I still love you. Have a nice life lili" Cole said coldly before letting go of my arm making me wince in pain from how hard he was holding it. By now I was in full tears. I messed up everything.

He looked at my arm in concern as he heard me wince, but then changed his face back cold once again. He grabbed my shoulders and moved me out of the way of the door before leaving. Leaving me there alone with tears falling down my eyes. I went to my bed and just cried. I didn't bother going to lunch or dinner, as I was too afraid to show my face around anyone.

I don't want to be here anymore. I deserve hell. He never did anything and I had to break his heart. I went to my door and locked it before heading to the bathroom.


I took one of my razors and took out the blade. "I deserve this" I told myself as I dragged the razor across my thigh. I couldn't do it on my arm, because I couldn't have my maids finding out I was doing this. The red blood started exiting the wound as I made another one below it, and another another one and another one. It satisfied me to feel the pain that I put on others.

"I deserve this" "you deserve pain" "you deserve hell" I told myself as I cut and cut and cut until the pain became unbearable. I yelped as I but a towel over the cuts. I got some gauze from under the sink and wrapped it around my leg. It hurt like hell, but I needed to feel it. I deserved worse than this, but I went easy on myself.

I stood up and let my dress back down over my leg.
I winced as I started walking back to my bed, but I told myself I needed to get use to it. So I walked around my room until I could deal with the pain.

Time skip to Friday (Cole proposes to tatum)

3rd POV
Cole has completely ignored lili. He wondered if her arm was okay. He still felt bad for hurting her physically. But he brushed it off and told himself he didn't need to feel bad.

As for lili. She hadn't hurt herself since Cole found out. She was numb. She hasn't spoken to anyone. She hasn't eaten. She hasn't even smiled, not even a fake one.

Today was the day. Lilis nightmare would become a reality. She broke the love of her life and now she would pay the price.

Here the three of them were sitting a small table at the top of the stage. Cole in the middle and tatum and lili on the sides of him. All of the selected girls from the beginning sat in the audience. Lili sat there in awkward silence as she took a slight glare at Archie.

"Planning a hookup later?" Cole asked coldly to lili. Lili knew she was about to break, that her walls were about crack.
She didn't let them though. They were on live television. She couldn't be caught crying because the love of her life chose a rebel over her. It was all her fault after all. She deserved this.

She sighed and gulped away the tears. "Cole I under that you're upset. And I totally get that I deserve the worst. But just know I will never date another person in my life. If you think I could move on that quick think again" she said in a shaky voice.

He looked at her with no emotion, "your family will be here later to escort you home. I wouldn't like for the loser to leave all alone." She bit the inside of her bottom lip trying to hold in tears. Who was he? Cole could tell she was going to break down so he decided to stop before she could.

He just glared at her, "you broke my heart lili" is all he said before facing back forward.

She finally found the courage, "I still love you" she said nervously. He looked at her with a cold look. "Don't. You Dare" he said through gritted teeth.

"after all the lies you've told this. This ones my favorite" he glared, shattering her heart into what looked like powder.

There it was the moment that changed it all. A gunshot. A bullet right through Chelsea's arm. Screams rang out as the room became complete chaos.

They were being attacked. Rebels are in the room firing guns. Lili was pulled under the table. She looked over to see Cole had been shot in the leg. The love of her life had been shot.

This is it. This is the end lili, she told herself as the only ringing sound she could hear were the fires of guns.

AHHH OKAY SO YA NOW YA KNOW WHY I DIDNT PUBLISH THIS ON CHRISTMAS!!!!!!😮😮😮😮😮 i low key feel bad I have been reading your comments on how excited you are😂🥲

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